
Believe it or not: 3 signs about cacti in your home
The cactus is a constant inhabitant of many apartments and houses. This thorny houseplant is most often acquired by those who have no experience in floriculture or the time to thoroughly care for flowers. There are many superstitions and beliefs about the cactus in the house. But not everyone knows about them. Here are some of the most important signs associated with this plant. Read more
Spring on the windowsill: 6 indoor plants that bloom during the cold season
Any room seems more comfortable if it smells of flowers. But you can go broke on the daily purchase of bouquets, and you don't really want to watch how quickly the beautiful flowers dry up. The most correct way out is to plant indoor plants in pots. Choose varieties that will delight you with flowering even in the cold season. Poinsettia Read more
6 interesting facts about scarlet that you probably did not know about
Homemade aloe grows in almost every home. It is a very popular herb that is known for its medicinal properties. Below are some surprising aloe facts that few people have heard of. Read more
8 plants that love shade

Greening an apartment is complicated by the fact that not all indoor plants develop well without bright sunlight. But there are flowers that grow beautifully in shade and partial shade. If the windows of the apartment face the north side, then it is better to choose just such varieties.


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7 houseplants that can bloom all year round
Almost every home has indoor plants that are pleasing to the eye. Among them there are also those that are able to cause admiration for their flowers all year round. Let's talk about them in our article. Hibiscus Read more