Plant diseases

Why does spathiphyllum release only leaves and does not bloom?
Spathiphyllum is considered a very common and favorite plant. It can be seen in almost every home. In common people the flower is called "female happiness". According to popular belief, he brings happiness to every woman's house. Obviously for this reason, many women have such a flower and are looking forward to when it blooms. According to legends, with the appearance of flowers on the spathiphyllum, the hostess of the house is considered a happy woman. What to do for those women whose plant does not bloom, and how do you know why? What to do to finally bloom spathiphyllum?How to care for spathiphyllum
Spider mite on indoor plants: how to fight at home?
Houseplants are often attacked by various insects such as ticks. They are so small that it is almost impossible to notice them with the naked eye. When it becomes clear what the plant is suffering from, it is already too late. Little monsters feed on their juice, multiply very quickly and instantly adapt to various poisons. In this article we will try to find out how the spider mite appears on indoor plants and how to deal with this insidious insect at home.How to deal with a tick
Why do the tips and edges of leaves in indoor plants turn yellow
Many of us love to surround ourselves with indoor flowers in the house. A summer cottage is also difficult to imagine without vegetation - shrubs, trees, flowers and vegetables. Very often you have to observe how the tips and edges of the leaves begin to turn yellow in many plants for unknown reasons.Causes of yellowing leaves
How to deal with the scale insect on indoor plants: tips and photos
Experienced flower growers know firsthand how dangerous the scale insect is. Distinguishing this insect from other pests is not so difficult: the characteristic feature is the presence of a protective coating that can easily be mistaken for a turtle's shell. Favorite habitats of scale insects are leaves, petioles and stems, to which they fit tightly with their bodies. Having found at least one of this insect on a houseplant, it is necessary to urgently start to act, otherwise, soon, not a single living flower will remain in the house.How to deal with a scabbard
How to deal with thrips on indoor plants: methods and photos
Each grower should be aware that caring for indoor plants is not only about watering and fertilizing, but also involves protection from pests. One of them is thrips, which, in the absence of control, can cause serious harm to plants, therefore, at the first signs of their appearance, it is necessary to start acting urgently.Thrips control methods