Pear varieties Lada: description, reviews and photos

Varieties of sweet and juicy pearsPear variety Lada belongs to the early maturing early-growing varieties with high yields. Scab resistant. The fruits are universal: they are suitable for fresh consumption and for processing.

Fruits firmly enough hold on the stalk, are not prone to shedding. The crop is harvested in September when the fruit appears golden.

An adult tree is often of medium height and has a crown of medium density too... The seedlings have a funnel-shaped crown, which eventually grows into a pyramidal one.

Pear shoots are long with a brown tint. The leaves have a pointed elongated oval shape. The surface of the leaves is shiny, and the reverse side is rough and matte. The sheet plate is plastic and has an average thickness.

Has excellent winter hardiness. You don't need to cover the tree for the winter.

The variety is self-fertile. The best pollinators for him are the following varieties: Severyanka, Rogneda, Kosmicheskaya, Chizhovskaya, Otradnenskaya. The presence of any variety on the site significantly increases the quality of the fruit and the yield of the Lada variety. A mature tree produces about 50 kg of fruit annually.

Pros and cons of Lada pears

Positive sides:

  • The indisputable advantages of Lada pears are frost resistance, unpretentiousness and excellent taste of ripe fruits.
  • But the most important advantage is that the Lada pear is a self-fertile variety. This allows it to be planted in small areas in a single copy. At the same time, the yield is not lost.

The obvious disadvantages of the variety include:

  • its very low transportability during transportation;
  • impossibility of long-term storage.

How to prepare a pear for planting?

It is best to plant seedlings in the spring. In autumn - a month before the onset of frost. Otherwise, the seedlings may freeze.

The soil

The process of planting pears in springLoamy soil is required. In clay soil, the plant will lack air. If there is no choice, then sandy soil will do. But you need to add to it compost, peat and humus.

Planting holes must be at least 70 cm deep. Their diameter is allowed up to 110 cm. The holes must be ready a week before planting. At the bottom of the hole, you can throw walnut shells to strengthen the soil.

If groundwater passes near, then grooves must be dug to drain excess moisture. It is good to place seedlings on small mounds. This will protect the trees from excess water and will significantly improve their growth.

Planting seedlings

The seedlings should be between one and two years old. The plant should be free of visible damage to the trunk, branches and roots.

To form a correct and even crown near the seedling, you need to drive peg up to 60 cm high... The root collar should look 6-7 cm when planting. The root shoots must be carefully straightened and sprinkled with soil in which the seedling was grown earlier.

At the final stage, the soil around the pear is compacted and watered. It is advisable to put manure or humus on top.

Next, tie the trunk of the seedling to the already dug in the peg.


It is necessary to water the pear only during the drought period. Frequent watering can provoke various diseases and root rot. But watering should be abundant. At least 1-2 buckets of water are poured under one tree.

Top dressing

How to care for a pear treeIn the spring, the plant is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. This is done immediately after the snow melts, but in dry weather. Dry and damaged branches are removed. The trunk is processed with lime or red lead.

In the fall, fertilizing is done with mineral fertilizers. They are brought in in October. During the hibernation period, care should be taken to prevent wet snow from sticking to the branches. They can easily break under the weight of the snow cover.


In the first year, the ovaries must be thinned out to form the correct crown. Circumcision is carried out only twice a year: in spring and autumn. Excess branches are completely removed, and long ones are shortened with pruning shears. Places of cuts are processed with garden putty.

Diseases and pests

Lada pear is resistant to scab. The fight against other pests begins in the spring before the start of sap flow. 700 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water and the tree trunk is treated, as well as the soil around it. This procedure is capable of destroying all pests that have hibernated on the pear.

The kidneys cannot be processed, they will get burned.

Basic rules for dealing with pear diseases:

  1. The tree must be sprayed 3 times, regardless of the presence of diseases.
  2. Dispose of removed weeds and fallen leaves in a timely manner.
  3. Do not allow the soil to dry out or excessively moisturize it.
  4. Inspect the trunk, branches and leaves of the pear regularly and carefully.

How to harvest and store crops

Varieties of sweet and juicy pearsThe pear variety Lada is characterized by stable fruiting. The crop can hang on the branches for a long time without crumbling. When collecting, do not shake the tree, the fruits from impacts when falling will break the skin.

Store fruits in a cool and dry place. The air temperature should not be more than 0 degrees. Fruits in such conditions will last up to two months. They do not tolerate transportation... Therefore, it is necessary to shift them with paper or dry sawdust.

This pear is very popular among gardeners. The gardeners' reviews about the Lada pear are mostly positive. Here are just some of the reviews:

I liked the pear variety Lada very much. The plant yields generous and regular yields. We collect up to 60 kilograms of pears from one tree. The pear began to bear fruit very early. Unpretentious and disease resistant. The manufacturer's description was fully confirmed. Our climate is cool, but this does not bother the pear.

Biryukova Svetlana

We planted a pear 5 years ago. Just last year observed abundant fruiting... There were many fruits, but small in size, but very fragrant and sweet. The problem was created by wasps that circled around the trees. Because of them, the crop was harvested only late at night.

Moser Lina

Delicious Lada pears. But it is necessary to collect in a timely manner, because they lose their taste and become hard if they are overexposed on wood.

Maxim Petrovich

A good variety, has been growing on my site for several years. The yield is not bad, the fruits are delicious, which begin to delight us in early August. I like very much that the tree does not grow huge.

Turkina Anna
Our site is small, so we planted a Lada pear. After 3 years we have already received the harvest. Now pear is already 9 years old. During the season we receive at least 50 kg... The pear is tasty, sweet, but not juicy enough. With dense pulp. It can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than two months.

Solntseva Regina

The pear of the Lada variety has become a highly demanded variety during its short history of existence due to its excellent qualities.

Simple care and unpretentiousness of this variety make it possible to grow Lada in almost all regions.

Pear varieties Lada
A special kind of pear LadaHow to pick a good pear varietyEarly summer pear varietiesDescription of pear varietyHow to choose a pear varietyWhat kind of pear in the summer cottageThe process of planting pears in springGrowing pears of the Lada varietyVarieties of sweet and juicy pearsPear variety LadaHow to plant a Lada pearHow to care for a Lada pearPlanting pear varieties LadaA special kind of pear LadaHow to plant and grow a pear correctlyWhere does the Lada pear grow

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