First spring flowers: photos, names and descriptions of primroses

The approach of spring pleases not only with warm days, but also with the first early flowers, which begin to bloom immediately after the snow melts. After a long and cold winter, primroses seem especially beautiful. Snowdrops, bluewoods and crocuses bloom in mid-April, and pansies, primroses, hyacinths and many other early spring flowers bloom in May. Happy owners of backyards and summer cottages are looking forward to the appearance of primroses, which become a decoration of the beginning of spring.

Bulbous primroses

The most beloved and popular among spring flowers are all kinds of bulbous plants. All of them grow both in the wild and in home gardens. Each of them has its own peculiarity and personality.


The snow in the garden has not yet completely melted, but the first snowdrops are already beginning to bloom. Depending on the climatic regions, these cold-hardy primroses appear in March or April. Snowdrop or galanthus in nature grows on damp rocky slopes, in deciduous forests, forest edges, meadows.

Snowdrops are different:

  • linear leaves;
  • drooping double flowers, consisting of six lobules and having a length of 2-3 cm;
  • peduncles up to 25 cm high;
  • elongated bulbs with white scales.

Galanthus propagates by seeds or daughter bulbs. When propagated by seeds, the plant blooms only in the third year of life. The bulbs are planted immediately after flowering or in late summer.

Occurs in nature 18 types of snowdrops, looking at the photos of which you can immediately understand that these flowers are truly magnificent.


Floral spring moodThe blue snowdrop or blue snowdrop is found naturally in Europe, Central Asia, Siberia, and the Caucasus. In household plots, Siberian forest trees are most often grown, which begins to bloom from mid-April.

Blue snowdrop can be recognized by its sky-blue drooping bell-shaped flowers (pictured) and flattened peduncles about 20 cm high. Its ovoid, small bulbs are covered with brown-violet scales.

To plant these first spring flowers in your garden, you will need to choose a semi-shady place under the crowns of trees or shrubs. The soil for them should not be too light, and moderately moist.

The scrub will look spectacular against the background of evergreen perennials on an alpine hill and among other bulbs in rockeries.


In early spring, when the garden is not yet filled with bright colors, the first bright spring flower blooms - springman or erantis... Its sunny golden flowers bloom in March or April and are not afraid even of late snowfalls.

In nature, the spring plant grows under deciduous shrubs and trees. It requires moist soils without stagnant water.

The tiny flowers of erantis will look spectacular in group plantings in combination with other bulbous primroses.

Net iris or iridodictium

It is a low bulbous plant whose flowers resemble irises. Graceful attractive plant up to 10 centimeters high loves the sun very much.That is why it is recommended to plant mesh iris in open sunny areas. Iridodictium is an ephemeroid, that is, after the flowers of the plant wither, its leaves will begin to die off.

Irises bloom from late March to April and look great in rocky gardens, among other bulbous plants and lawn grass. Bulbs should be planted in early autumn.


At the end of April, muscari or mouse hyacinth... This primrose passes the baton to tulips, daffodils and hyacinths.

There are about forty varieties of mouse hyacinth that differ in the height of the peduncles, the size of the inflorescences and the color of flowers. The most popular among gardeners are:

  1. A bunchy muscari with drooping smoky blue or white flowers. The plant has a narrow-cylindrical inflorescence and a height of up to 20 centimeters.
  2. Muscari racemose grows up to 10 centimeters and has dense compact inflorescences with purple flowers.
  3. The Armenian muscari is distinguished by its high peduncle and bright blue flowers with white teeth.

Mouse hyacinth multiplies very intensively. Because of this, its plantings become denser over time. However, thanks to the narrow leaves, plants for a long time do not need a transplant.

The blue primrose looks very impressive in rock gardens, borders and large groups. If you plant different varieties that bloom at different times on one site, then they will delight with their splendor from early spring to mid-summer.


Crocuses occupy a special place among the first spring flowers. This plant has many species, each of which differs in color and shape of the petals. Botanical crocus species bloom in some regions as early as February. A little later they wake up and begin to amaze and delight with their size and bright flowers Dutch hybrids.

It is better to plant crocuses in the fall in the diffused shade of shrubs and trees or in sunny areas. Rodents are very fond of their bulbs, so it is recommended to use baskets when planting.

Crocuses are appropriate almost everywhere. They can be planted in small groups on lawns, flower beds, under bushes or trees.

Spring herbaceous perennials: photo

Not so many herbaceous perennials bloom in early spring. But each of them is beautiful and effective in its own way.

Lilies of the valley

This one of the most famous flowers belongs to the lily family... In order for the lilies of the valley to bloom as early as possible, they should be planted from September to November. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that all the shoots are covered with earth, and the root does not bent.

Lilies of the valley love moist, fertilized soil. Their root system is highly developed, so it is not recommended to plant them next to other flowers. The best option is to plant lilies of the valley under trees and bushes.


One of the first to bloom spring perennial daisies... They begin to bloom in early May, and the buds remain throughout the winter.

These short plants with large flowers will look beautiful in the form of borders and along paths. Inserting daisies into your lawn will give it a star-like appearance.

Daisy seeds should be sown in temporary beds in July. Flowers are planted in a permanent place in early autumn or early spring. Further, the plants will scatter themselves, and bloom every year.


This spring plant most often blooms for Easter holidays, therefore in Europe it is called "Christ's rose". More than twenty species of hellebore grow in nature. In garden plots, garden hybrids are most often grown, which begin to bloom in early April.

The flowers of hybrid plants can be yellow, pink, white or red. The most popular are the bright purple flowers with a greenish tint.

It is recommended to grow hellebore in partial shade, on moderately moist soils. The plant propagates by seed or division, and is frost-resistant.


PeriwinkleEven under the snow, the evergreen periwinkle plant will retain its green foliage. It is covered with numerous pale blue flowers in April. Varietal plants may have simple or double flowers lilac, white or red.

Periwinkle can be propagated in July-August by cuttings. It should be planted on well-drained, neutral soils without stagnant water. The plant loves shady and semi-shady areas, and grows quickly.


In May, primrose primrose blooms with various colors. The plant blooms profusely for four weeks. Some species can bloom again in late summer.

Primrose there are more than 550 species... The most common are:

  • high;
  • toothed;
  • auricula.

Plants do not like direct sunlight, and grow well in partial shade next to trees and shrubs. You can grow primroses not only in the garden, but also in containerslocated on terraces, loggias and balconies.

This list of names and descriptions of primroses is of course not exhaustive. It can be supplemented with tulips, hyacinths, anemones, chionodoxes, white flowers and many other spring flowers. However, we tried to describe and show photos of the most popular and unpretentious flowers, which are the first to delight us with their flowering after a long cold winter.

Primroses flowers
Early flowersGarden spring flowersFlowers for garden decorationSpring moodThe first flowers in early springWhen the first flowers bloomBouquet of primrosesSpring bouquet of flowersSpring flower bed.Spring flowersWhat flowers grow in springPrimrosesSummer flowers will followBeautiful snowdropSpring flower varietySpring flower bed.

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    1. AvatarVictor

      Lily, very good description. Thank!

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