Monstera: is it possible to keep at home and why not

Monstera is a very beautiful ornamental liana plant. The homeland of the monstera is the humid tropics. It is in such a hot and humid climate that this plant blooms and bears fruit constantly. At home, however, such a climate is extremely problematic to create, rather impossible, and therefore flowering in a room of a standard apartment is a very rare occurrence.

Description of the monstera plant

Characteristics of the monsteraA bizarre monster is called for a reason: it has many aerial roots, and shiny, large, leathery leaves with holes make its appearance unique and extraordinary.

In everyday life, this plant is often called a crybaby, due to its ability to predict the weather: before the rain, large drops of moisture appear on its leaves, each of which can reach up to 30 centimeters or more.

The word monstera itself is translated in several meanings, which at the same time have almost the same meaning:

  • “Freaky”;
  • "yoke";
  • "Amazing".

Can you keep a flower at home? There are opinions that it is impossible to start a monster at home, there are several reasons for this.

Type and features of the monstera flower
Description of the plant-liana in natural conditions of growthFeatures of flowering monsteraDescription of the appearance of the monsteraPositive sides of the monstera flowerPossible harm from a monstera flower

Those people who believe in existing superstitions and omens consider it dangerous to keep and grow this plant at home. The first reason for this superstition is the very name of the plant "monstera", which, in the opinion of some, comes from the word "monster".

It is for this flower that the place is only, for example, in the office, at work, but not in the house. Another superstition says that all the negativity that is in the house is absorbed by the monstera, and if all is well, it absorbs this energy as well, while highlighting the negative.

This kind of delusion, not scientifically supported, should not affect the desire to have this wonderful plant-vine. It is only known that the flower does not affect health in any way, moreover, even for allergy sufferers don't be afraid of her.

The only danger of the monstera is that the leaves contain microscopic needle formations, if in contact with mucous areas, may cause a burning sensation.

To avoid such troubles, it is enough not to let pets or children chew the leaves. Otherwise, the flower will bring only joy and beauty to the house.

Monstera: why you can't keep at home

Reasons, signs and superstitions that a monster cannot be kept at homeThe fear of growing this flower is based only on myths, legends and omens. Monstera is an energy vampire that absorbs human energy, it disrupts the aura and negatively affects the casual body.

All this destroys a person's career, personal life, and has a bad effect on health. Because of such prejudices, many unmarried girls attribute their failures in their personal lives to this flower.

After nightfall, the plant begins to absorb large quantities of oxygen, almost like an adult. If a person sleeps in the same room, then he may not wake up. Of course, these are fables.

No indoor plant is capable of absorbing oxygen in such quantities. The emergence of this myth is explained by the opinion that at night plants, absorbing oxygen, emit carbon dioxide, and in the daytime, everything happens the other way around.

This is so - plants breathe around the clock.But in the daytime, photosynthesis also occurs, and plants emit much more oxygen than they absorb.

This myth tells that monstera is a poisonous plant. Flower juice is poisonous, which, getting on the mucous membranes of a person, can cause severe poisoning, and even death. But this will happen only if you bite off or bite off the leaf of the plant.

Then it is difficult to explain why people in India and Australia enjoy great pleasure. eating monstera fruit... The inhabitants even specially grow the monster, for further consumption of its fruits.

Useful properties of a flower

But in reality, if you try not to pay attention to the signs and legends, this is a beautiful and rather harmless plant. And it carries much more real benefits than intangible harm, namely:

  1. List of benefits of the monstera flowerEnriches the air in the house with aerons and oxygen.
  2. It ionizes and humidifies the air in the room.
  3. It perfectly absorbs harmful impurities in the air.
  4. Monstera collects a lot of dust particles thanks to its spreading and very large leaves.
  5. Suppresses the development of various viruses, harmful microorganisms and fungi.
  6. This "barometer" is endowed with the ability to predict the weather: droplets of moisture can be seen on its leaves just before the rain.
  7. Beautiful spreading leaves of monstera are able to decorate the interior of any home with their appearance.
  8. According to the teachings of the East, monstera strengthens the nervous system, develops intelligence, heals headaches, relieves vibrations of disorder and helps to formulate thoughts.
  9. The plant literally absorbs electromagnetic waves, which is why it is recommended to place the monster next to the refrigerator, TV or microwave. This place is much more suitable for a monstera than a bedroom or children's room.
  10. Monstera in Asian countries is a talisman that brings good luck and longevity. The monstera is brought to the head of a sick person, she is seated in front of the front door so that she protects the inhabitants from illness, misfortune and brings prosperity.

Of course, if you really want to start and grow a monster in the house, then you can keep a flower at home, this is everyone's personal choice. Someone is afraid of legends and myths and will not dare, but someone is completely indifferent to such signs, and will happily enjoy this bizarre plant.

For some, the very name of the flower causes misunderstanding and association with a monster, someone sees in the huge bizarre leaves of this plant someone's frightening silhouettes. Especially at night, people with a rich imagination can easily see large leaves instead of vines, similar to hands with fingers. And to some it will seem ridiculous.

The only reason why you should probably refrain from this plant at home is if there are animals in the house (especially curious ones) or children, especially small ones, who do not understand why they cannot taste anything. This also applies to microscopic needle formations, and the possible toxicity of the leaves.

In this case, it is absolutely certain that the safety of all family members is much more important than a beautiful tropical plant. For the rest, there are no scientifically justified facts, who would talk about harm, and even more so the danger of monsters.

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