Varieties and names of indoor palms, care rules

How pleasant it is to be surrounded by your own evergreen tropical plants in the cold winter season. And in summer, in the heat, enjoy your vacation in the shade of lianas and palm trees. Those who wish to arrange their own tropics on the balcony or in the room can pay attention to palm trees suitable for this. It is quite within the power of everyone to grow it, but it is required to observe a number of conditions to create the microclimate necessary for the normal development.

House palm: creating conditions

From Latin the word "palm" is translated as "palm". And this is quite justified, since its leaves are similar to a human brush. There are two varieties of the plant, they are called fan and feathery. In natural conditions, they live there, where it is warm and humid - in the tropics and subtropics... If the climate where you live is similar to your native one, or if you can create the necessary indoor atmosphere, then growing palm trees will not bring much trouble. It is necessary to carefully study the growing conditions of these plants in nature, so that later, armed with knowledge, caring for them becomes simple.

The plant propagates by seed, which can be found in specialized stores. However, in order to grow an indoor palm tree to an impressive size, you will have to try very hard. A palm tree is a tree, so it will take several decades to reach its maximum growth. But there is a way out so that an adult palm tree appears in your room, it is enough to purchase it in a specialized store, where they will provide a wide selection.

In order for a tropical tree to become homemade and comfortable, care rules should be followed. Indoor palms love spacious rooms and a lot of space, they do not tolerate when other plants are located close to them.

Domestic palms: varieties

Most often in the conditions of apartments and houses you can find the following types:

  • How to water a indoor palmDate is most common among indoor palms. Since many come to mind the idea of ​​planting a date seed in the hope of growing a whole tree. However, at home, a palm tree with the name of the Robelena date grows better, in which the fruits are inedible. The tree has a shaggy trunk, grows up to 2 meters in height with the formation of a lush crown, its leaves are beautifully curved.
  • Dracaena is another type of palm tree that has been widely used for landscaping apartments for several decades, since it takes root well in rooms. This palm tree on the top of the trunk collects leaves in a panicle in bunches. The color of the leaves is light green, dark green and striped. Often forms several trunks from the root, stretches up to two meters in height. It can be easily propagated by cuttings.
  • Areca has a flexible trunk, at the end of which a powerful bundle of feathery leaves is collected. In rooms it reaches two meters, while the leaves can be up to a meter.
  • Among the most adapted to domestic conditions, the Trachikarpus palm stands out. Its trunk resembles a bottle, and the leaves are a fan, growing huge. She is able to dissolve the buds of white or yellow flowers with a pleasant aroma, as well as bestow the fruits of blue-black color.
  • Kariota's appearance is somewhat different. The leaves look like an elongated cocked hat, the wide ends of which seem to be torn off.It differs from its counterparts in its faster growth, lives for about 20 years.
  • The most popular palm for home cultivation is Hovea Foster. It is easy to care for. Many pests like spider mites and mealy worms don't like it. Its leathery leaves are dark green in color. Her closest relative, Hovey Belmora, is more demanding on watering.
  • Copes well with dry periods Rapis, needs good lighting. However, one should watch out for the absence of direct sunlight, he also does not like shading. It grows into a bush with fan-shaped leaves.
  • Copes well with the lack of sufficient lighting Hamedorea. It can also tolerate drought, but its delicate leaves are very fond of pests.

Caring for indoor palm trees

Indoor palms nameSince a tree naturally grows in the tropics, the most important conditions for the development of a plant are sufficient humidity and proper lighting... Unfortunately, in apartments with central heating, the air, although warm, is often dry, which leads to the death of the plant.

The main principle of maintenance is frequent spraying, which is no less important than watering. An indoor palm tree will be able to cope with the lack of watering if you forgot to do it, but it will definitely not tolerate the dry air of the room. Summer palm sprayed 2-3 times a week warm water, in winter, with working batteries, every day. It is better to take distilled water for this, since chlorinated water leaves white traces on the leaves. It is purchased at car dealerships or collected drop by drop from its own air conditioner. Filtered water is also more or less suitable. The leaves are sprayed on both sides.

During the growing season, which lasts from March to October, the palm is watered daily. However, this should be done in moderation so that the substrate remains slightly moist at all times. In winter watered 2-3 times a week... Water directly from the tap is not used. For watering indoor plants, settled water is used, which is left for 1-2 days in an open container so that unnecessary minerals precipitate and chlorine evaporates. Water-soluble salts have a negative effect on the soil, which leads to a halt in the development of palm trees and disease.

The palm tree does not tolerate direct rays, needs bright, but diffused light... If the plant is on a windowsill, then it is necessary to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall, so you need to shade. This tropical plant needs warm indoor conditions. Varieties such as: hamerops, trachycarpus, brachea, washingtonia are kept in cooler conditions in winter with a temperature of about 15 degrees. Everyone is afraid of drafts, and the roots should be protected from the cold, so it is better not to put tubs with a plant on a cold window sill or floor.

Caring for a room palm tree involves replanting it. Young trees need to be replanted annually, an adult tree is less common. The general rule for transplanting houseplants is that you should choose a pot slightly larger than the previous one. After this procedure, feeding is not used for about six months. Adult plants that have not been replenished are fertilized once a week from March to September. To do this, according to the instructions on the package, use ordinary flower fertilizers.

Palm diseases

If the care is correct, then you will notice that the palm tree grows well, it has huge green leaves and a fresh appearance. However, sometimes the plant is sick. If the tree is not feeling well characteristic symptoms appearindicating that something is wrong with the palm tree:

  • Varieties of indoor palms.The tips of the leaves are dry or brown. This means that the air where the palm stands is dry, and the roots do not receive moisture. Care consists of trimming damaged ends and watering and spraying regularly.
  • The indoor palm does not grow. So the place where she stands, damp or cold, lacks food. You need to feed and put in a warm place.
  • Yellow leaves are observed with insufficient watering.Water more often.
  • Young leaves dry when direct sunlight hits the palm. It should be shaded.
  • Rusty spots appear when the soil is waterlogged, hard water or a sharp drop in temperature. It is necessary to reduce the intensity of irrigation, use the settled water, monitor the temperature in the room.
  • The lower leaves dry up. This is normal for palms and should be carefully cut from the trunk.

There are many varieties of palms, but whatever you grow in your tropical garden, remember that they are living creatures and have a subtle sense of attitude towards themselves. They also react to the psychological atmosphere in the room. If the trees develop in a favorable microclimate, receive a lot of attention and quality care, are surrounded by a positive emotional environment, they will begin to grow vigorously, creating real home tropics, which will cause everyone to admire the beauty.

Indoor palms
How to track the growth of indoor palm treesTypes of indoor palm treesGrowing indoor palmsThis is a type of indoor palms.How to care for a palm tree at homePalm tree in the apartmentIndoor palm namesDiseases of indoor palmsPalm pestsWhat grows on a palm treeHome palmIndoor palmWays to care for palm treesHome palmsHow does a palm tree grow in an apartmentVarieties of indoor palms

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