We grow a miniature rose at home without unnecessary hassle

A miniature (indoor) rose, with proper care, can delight with beautiful, bright buds and a pleasant aroma for a long time. Despite its low growth, the flower is distinguished by its splendor and abundant flowering. There are many varieties of miniature roses that are grown at home on a windowsill with a minimum of effort.

Choice of color and variety

The key to a beautiful flowering of a room rose is planting healthy bushes. In order for the plant to take root successfully, it is necessary to choose bushes with strong green, not yet lignified stems. They must be free of any stains or visible damage. These roses have a better chance of developing and the early appearance of green buds. The most favorable period for buying a flower is the presence of buds, which will soon open.

There are a lot of varieties of miniature roses, they were bred in different countries of the world, but their homeland is China - it was from there that they came to Europe. All varieties differ in color of flowers and their structure. Many of them are suitable not only for growing at home on the windowsill, but also for breeding in the garden.

The most popular varieties:

  1. Clementine - bushes with double roses, forming large inflorescences. The color of the flowers is from pale pink to deep orange.
  2. Cinderella is a hybrid tea variety, the petals are white to pale pink (the color changes as the plant ages). It has an extraordinary apple flavor.
  3. Curlers - bushes up to 45 cm high, have leaves of bright green color with shine. Flowers are double, variegated with orange, pink and red markings.

There are a huge number of petal colors. Each housewife chooses a plant for the house to her liking.

Adaptation process

The first time after buying a rose, special care is needed so that it adapts to a new place and does not die. It is better to keep the flower in a cool place, which will prolong its flowering. It must be borne in mind - during this period, she can throw off all the buds and leaves. With proper care, after 1-1.5 months it will pick up greens again and begin to bloom.

If, when buying, the rose has not bloomed or is already blooming, then it is advisable to transplant it into a larger pot. A lump of earth with a root should not fall apart. Prepare soil in advance with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Lay drainage at the bottom of the pot - a layer of expanded clay. Make sure to make holes at the bottom.

Recommendations on how to facilitate the process of adapting a miniature rose:

  1. Wash the flower immediately after purchase under a warm shower
  2. Treat for prophylaxis against spider mites with Aktara.
  3. Place the pot on the south window.

After transplanting, it is recommended to treat the bush with a growth stimulation drug - Epin, Zircon.

Care features

The main care of a miniature rose involves providing optimal conditions for the development of the plant.


Drought should not be allowed, so the bush is regularly watered as the soil dries out. The frequency depends on the conditions of the room: temperature, amount of sunlight and the size of the pot. Abundant watering is contraindicated. It is not allowed to find the pot in a pan filled with water, otherwise the soil will begin to sour.

A simple method will help to determine the watering time: press your finger on the ground. If it's dry, it's time to moisturize.

Top dressing

In indoor conditions, a rose needs additional nutrition, otherwise it develops slowly, does not bloom.It is recommended to fertilize with complex organic fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. The period for feeding is from March to October, with a frequency of 1 time per week or 10 days. Use the fertilizer strictly according to the instructions.


It is necessary to cut the bush before wintering. For this, all undeveloped, weak shoots are cut off, and all branches are shortened. You can leave only 2-4 lower kidneys. In no case should young root shoots be touched, as they indicate a healthy state of the rose.

Flowering season

The duration of the flowering of a rose depends on the care, therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance: whether you want it to bloom all year round or with periods of rest. With the right watering regime and sufficient lighting, it can bloom every 2 months. To do this, maintain comfortable conditions in winter - organize additional lighting, regularly fertilize and maintain an optimal temperature.

To facilitate care, you can leave the rose alone for a month in winter. To do this, it must be cut and rearranged to a cool place. The procedure must be performed after flowering. At the end of February, you can return to a permanent place, and it will again start up new shoots.

There is nothing difficult in growing a miniature rose. The main thing is to pay close attention to her during the adaptation period, to regularly look after. Then the house will have a pleasant aroma all year round. Bushes will delight you with abundant, colorful flowering.

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