Why stolen plants take root better at home

There is an opinion that plants cannot be accepted as a gift - you need to buy or steal them. It is complemented by the sign that a stolen plant takes root better than a purchased one. And since there are signs, then there are reasons for their occurrence. Let's try to find these reasons.

Strong sprout

A flower from a store goes a long way from the greenhouse to your windowsill and goes through serious trials several times: moving, changing the microclimate, replanting, changing the composition of the soil. Once in the house of the new owner, the plant again has to adapt to the new regime.

Due to their personal qualities and knowledge, each person has a different idea of ​​what good flower care is. One leaves a new pet unattended for a long time, while the other watering and fertilizing without measure. As a result, the chances of surviving in store plants, already weakened by all the stresses, are not so great.

As for someone else's vending plant, it has already been ill and adapted to the surrounding conditions. Taking a sprout from him, you immediately carry the prey home in order to plant it in good soil in a permanent place. The cutting does not yet have roots, and you will not have to injure them when transplanting, as is the case with the purchased one.

In fact, the new plant experiences much less stress than those that went to its store counterpart, which means that its viability is higher. And, if the stalk still took root and survived, then with proper care it will show itself even better.

Flowering plant

Another reason may be that we are attracted by abundantly flowering, strong, healthy plants, with whole symmetrical leaves, without suspicious spots, and not at all those with shriveled, yellowed or fallen leaves, poor flowering and a crooked trunk.

There are few people who will choose a stunted and diseased scion to grow at home. If a person decides to steal a sprout of a flower he likes, then he will choose the strongest and healthiest.

An important fact is that it usually turns out to steal a plant that has long and successfully adapted to the local climate. For exotic plants, certain conditions are created and curious people are not allowed to them.

So it turns out that a stolen "simple" flower will grow faster and better than, for example, a purchased native of the rainforest. But, even if the experience is unsuccessful, and the stolen plant does not survive your care, no one will know about your fiasco.


It is no secret that plants hear, feel vibrations, can exchange chemical messages, and each of them has its own energy reserve.

Some people believe that by placing high hopes on a flower, we take away its energy. And by giving him our love just like that, and not in exchange for a dense crown or lush bloom, we share our energy.

Each of us has his own vision of beauty, and a person will not "borrow" all the plants in a row, but will choose only the one that he really liked. This means that he will invest a little of his energy in the stolen copy. He will invest, not take away, because it will be easy to relate to the process of planting and leaving, without building high expectations. After all, if this sprout does not adapt, you can always "borrow" another one.

In addition, it is believed that by secretly taking a flower shoot until the owner sees it, you do not cause the owner to feel regret that you have spoiled his plant. Or feelings of greed that you are taking away a piece of his precious brainchild.

Donated plants receive excessive care so as not to offend the giver, purchased ones - overestimated expectations due to the money spent, and stolen ones receive a calm and even attitude that allows the plant to spend all its energy on its development.

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