Cucumber variety Goosebump F1

Feature of the goosebump cucumber varietyCucumber is one of the most popular vegetable crops grown in vegetable gardens, garden plots and even at home on window sills. When choosing a variety, gardeners rely on indicators such as yield, taste, fruit size, branchiness, the possibility of salting, the need for pinching and many others.

By all indicators, the cucumber variety Murashka F1 has a high level, and therefore receives constantly positive feedback from gardeners. Let's consider in more detail.

Murashka cucumber intended for open ground or for growing under a film cover. This variety is Partenocarpic, that is, self-pollinated, it does not need flying insects for pollination. This fact contributes to the fact that it will grow well in the house or in the greenhouse. Also, when the weather is rainy and cool, the plant does not stop setting fruit.

The plant is vigorous, quite branched, always has many leaves, and there are always more than three flowers in a node. Ovaries are formed over each leaf, 2-3 pieces, so this variety has a high yield.

Description of the fruit

Goosebump cucumber fruit f1 very attractive looking, it can be easily recognized among representatives of other varieties.

  • Self-pollinated cucumber varietiesStatic size 10-12 centimeters
  • Dark green
  • The fruit has large tubercles with black spines.
  • Cucumbers are always aromatic and crunchy.
  • Bitterness is completely absent.

Vegetables can be harvested already 44-48 days after germination.

Planting and planting process

  1. Seed preparation and treatment. Seeds should be chosen for planting 3-4 years old, although good germination is maintained in 10-year-old seeds. Before sowing, the seeds must be disinfected and germinated. The seeds must be warmed up for three days at a temperature of 50 degrees and soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then the seeds should be washed and soaked in clean water for half a day.
  2. Germination. Sprout clean and slightly softened seeds. To do this, wrap the seeds in a damp cotton cloth. Please note that the fabric is taken from cotton, so that there is ventilation, that is, so that the seeds breathe. There they should sprout.
  3. Hardening. This point is optional, but many gardeners prefer to temper the seeds so they are ready for the harsh weather conditions when they come. For this, the seeds are placed in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2 degrees Celsius for 18 hours.
  4. Seedling. This item is optional, because the seeds can be planted immediately when they hatch. It is more convenient and reliable for some gardeners to plant seedlings, and it will be possible to start harvesting in this way earlier. But it is worth remembering that cucumbers do not tolerate transplanting well and therefore they need to be placed in separate cups for seedlings, 1-2 bores each. Peat pots are great for this. When transplanting, you simply tear off the bottom and cover it with earth along with the walls of the pot, this will allow the plant to almost not hurt when transplanting.
  5. Cucumbers GoosebumpDisembarkation. This point is the finishing one. The hatched seeds are planted in open ground or in a greenhouse in grooves or holes 5 centimeters deep. The distance between the shoots should be 5-6 centimeters. The soil is loosened and watered. The soil must be fertilized, for this I mix it with humus in the fall. If the soil is acidic, then it must be limed.
  6. Thinning. This variety of cucumbers has a high germination capacity, so it is necessary to thin out those places where seeds have sprouted too often. Indeed, if this is not done, then it will slow down growth and delay the harvesting process due to slow growth.
  7. Watering. Everyone knows that cucumber fruits grow at night, so you should water the plant at night. Watering should be done by spraying, that is, not pouring under the root of the bush, but pouring water over the entire surface of the soil where the plant branches. The soil should be loosened periodically.
  8. Topping. This process is obligatory and necessary, because if this is not done, then all the vital forces of the plant will go to the process of growth in length and it will branch endlessly. Pinch the bush after the sixth leaf, leave the side stems 40 centimeters long, pinch off the rest.

Reviews of gardeners

This sort of cucumber "Goosebump F1", well very tasty, crispy, this is a must try! This variety of cucumbers is great for pickling, you will be sure that your banks will not open, but will stand wonderfully as long as you like! Having planted such a variety of cucumbers, you will soon be able to appreciate their taste!


How to grow cucumbers yourselfLast year, in the spring of 2013, I planted the seeds of cucumbers "Goosebump F1" in the greenhouse, and planted the remaining seeds of these cucumbers in the open ground. Those seeds that were in the greenhouse sprouted quickly - all as one! The ovary began to appear very quickly there was no empty flower... The cucumbers turned out to be small, pimpled and very tasty! And the seeds that I planted in the open ground bore fruit until late autumn. With several packages of cucumber seeds, we made salads all summer, treated our relatives, and even managed to annoy!


My family is rather big, and I need to take care of everyone (parents of retirement age, it's hard for them to pull the whole garden on themselves, especially since there is a household - chickens, geese, turkeys ...). For a long time I have been planting various vegetable crops. I used to buy many different varieties of cucumbers, but last year a neighbor in the garden came to me and advised me to buy F1 Murashka cucumbers.

There are just nothing in the package (0.5g) and I decided to literally stick them into the ground one grain at a time, the germination rate pleased me (almost everything). No special care required, just water on time, since there is an irrigation system throughout the shrinkage - this greatly improves the situation). The cucumbers turned out to be excellent, with a hard surface, not bitter, crispy. I bought 5 packs and it was enough for me to just crunch every day, cut into salads, and preserve 10 three-liter jars for the winter for the Christmas holidays. I happy with everything and I recommend to you, you will definitely not be offended by a small miracle of nature.

Cucumber variety Murashka
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