Perennial garden chrysanthemums: varieties, types and photos

Chrysanthemums are a group of perennial and annual herbaceous flowers of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. Plants are close to the genera Tansy and Yarrow, which often include some varieties of chrysanthemums. This flower is native to the countries of the northern and temperate regions, but the largest number of plants grows in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Garden chrysanthemums: description and photo

Mostly chrysanthemums grow in the form of branched semi-shrubs, sometimes in the form of herbaceous plants. Plant size from 55-155 cm... The leaves are simple, arranged in regular order, serrated, whole, dissected or notched, different in shape and size, mostly bright green pubescent and not. Flowers are small, collected in a basket, consisting of tubular median ligulate marginal and yellow flowers, usually arranged in one row and variously colored.

Some varieties of chrysanthemums are successfully grown in our conditions outdoors, others - only in greenhouses, but all plants are appreciated by gardeners for their ease of reproduction, long flowering, brightness of colors.

The Chrysanthemum variety includes approximately 160 varieties of plants, divided into large-flowered and small-flowered according to the structure of the flower.

For home cultivation, choose undersized and small-flowered heat-loving varieties... The selection of varieties is quite large. Since chrysanthemums were previously valued because of their decorative qualities, long-term selection work was carried out, due to which the color of chrysanthemum flowers, taking into account the variety, began to vary significantly, and the number of varieties, groups and species themselves increased markedly.

Chrysanthemums have always delighted flower growers all over the world with their beautiful appearance. There are many types of a wide variety of shades and shapes:

Chrysanthemum varieties

Chrysanthemum topped

How to grow a chrysanthemumStem glabrous, slightly branched in the upper half, simple or erect, 24-71 cm in size. Taproot, short. The middle leaves are sessile, up to 7-9 cm in size, oblong-obovate or oblong in outline. The upper leaves are less dissected and smaller. Baskets in the amount of 3-7 pieces andor solitary on lateral leafy twigs, as a rule, do not form a shield. Reed corollas of flowers are yellow, of various shades.

Young shoots and leaves taste like celery and are used as food. Young inflorescences also have nutritional value. It is planted as an ornamental bush.

Alpine chrysanthemum

This is a low-growing perennial bush up to 9-14 cm. The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, pinnately dissected. The undersides are gray-green, the top is dark green. Non-branching erect stems have single baskets 3-5 cm in size. It blooms in mid-summer.

Alpine chrysanthemum has silvery-gray leaves, which are covered in summer with delicate inflorescences, similar to daisy inflorescences, are perfect for alpine slides. One of the resistant varieties with double or simple baskets, it is successfully planted in pots, in flower beds or in curbs.

Chrysanthemum keeled

It is an erect, densely branched, 22-73 cm high, with a fleshy stem, practically non-pubescent plant. Leaves on petioles, twice pinnately-spaced, slightly fleshy. Inflorescences - fragrant baskets, less often double or semi-double, single or collected 3-9 on lateral leafy branches, rather large, 4-8 cm in circumference, corymbose, complex inflorescences do not form, begin flowering at different times. Ligulate flowers are yellow, white with a reddish or whitish limb, sometimes one-color, white or yellow; tubular - deep red. Blooms profusely from mid-summer.

Various relatively low (34-55 cm) and dwarf species have been bred from the keeled chrysanthemum.

Shrub chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum varietiesAn evergreen plant up to one meter high. Shoots are thin, branched, erect, woody near the base. Leaves are often split. Inflorescences - as a rule, fragrant baskets, sometimes double or semi-double, rather large 6 cm in circumference, single or collected on lateral leafy branches of 3-9 pieces. Flowers are tubular yellow, ligulate pink, yellow or white.

It develops well in open ground and in mild climates. White baskets with yellow center, similar to ordinary meadow chamomile, bloom in turn for almost a whole year. In regions with frosty climates, the flower can be planted in containers, bringing it into the house for the winter.

More about bush garden perennial chrysanthemums:

Chinese chrysanthemum

This is a hybrid plant. A short, perennial plant, 31-135 cm high, erect shoots, erect or strong, woody over time near the base. Leaves are lanceolate, slightly fleshy, oval or oval-lobed, up to 8 cm long, have a smell. Large-toothed blades, solid. Inflorescences are fragrant baskets, double, semi-double or simple, rather large, 6-8 cm in circumference, collected 3-9 on lateral leafy branches or single. Ligulate, varied in color, longer than the disc. Internal flowers of this variety chrysanthemums yellow.

Korean chrysanthemums

A variety of hybrid green chrysanthemums. Varieties of this species differ in the height of the bush, the timing of flowering, the color of tubular and ligulate flowers, the size and structure of the inflorescences. These varieties are excellently grown in open land.

Flowers, taking into account the variety, can reach sizes in a circle of more than 17 cm. Plant height 35-110 cm.

The varieties of Korean garden species are resistant to pathogens, pests and adverse factors. Their distinctive characteristic is high decorativeness, the ability to long-term and abundant flowering.

Classification of Korean flowers:

By the diameter of the inflorescences:

  • large-flowered - inflorescences more than 11 cm in a circle;
  • small-flowered - inflorescences up to 11 cm in circumference.

By type of inflorescences:

  • semi-double - with three or more rows of reed edge flowers;
  • Terry - inflorescences of multiple ligulate flowers of various sizes and shapes, in the middle there are a small number of tubular;
  • double-row and single-row - ligulate marginal flowers are in 1-2 rows;
  • pompom - inflorescences in a circle of 3-4 cm in, from multiple reed flowers;
  • anemone - with several or one rows of reed marginal flowers.

The height is classified:

  • Reproduction of chrysanthemumstall - bush height 54-110 cm. Plants of this variety are characterized by a well-developed, large bush, larger size of inflorescences and later flowering.
  • medium-sized - bush height 34-55 cm.Among the plants of this variety, there are flowers of completely different colors with double, semi-double and non-double inflorescences. All shrubs belonging to the medium-sized species can be planted in uniform clumps, in flower beds or in group plantings. Unlike border plants, many species from this group are planted both in decorative plantings and for pruning.
  • undersized - the height of the bush is up to 32 cm. These chrysanthemums are characterized by an early flowering time, a few root shoots, and a dense ball-shaped bush.

The most common varieties of Korean chrysanthemum

  • ‘Altgold’ - rich yellow plants with inflorescences about 6.5 cm in size. The height of the bush is up to 54 cm.
  • 'Alyonushka' - pink light chrysanthemums with simple chamomile inflorescences. The height of the bush is up to 54 cm.
  • 'Bacon' is a red chrysanthemum up to 85 cm in size. Terry inflorescences in a circumference of up to 5 cm. Blossoms in September.
  • ‘Snow White’ is a bush up to 75 cm in size. White terry chrysanthemum, an inflorescence in a circumference of up to 6 cm. It blooms in autumn.
  • ‘Gebe’ is a chamomile chrysanthemum with single-row flowers, up to 7 cm in size.
  • 'Evening lights' - showy red flowers with a yellow ring near the middle of the inflorescence. Inflorescences are chamomile, simple.
  • ‘Sunset Orange’ - double chrysanthemum, orange, with inflorescences up to 11 cm in size. Bush up to 81 cm high.
  • ‘Malchish-Kibalchish’ is a low-growing chrysanthemum, less than 35 cm in height. Inflorescences are simple, pink. Blooms in late summer. The size of the inflorescences is up to 8 cm.
  • 'Umka' is a pompom chrysanthemum with inflorescences up to 8 cm in size. The height of the bush is 85-110 cm. The color of the inflorescences varies from pinkish to pure white.
  • ‘First Snow’ - white compact plants up to 40 cm in size. Terry inflorescences up to 6 cm in size. Blooms throughout the month, from August.

Chrysanthemums indian

Used for cutting, bloom in late autumn, usually grown indoors.

Popular types

  • ‘Altgold’. Inflorescences are flat, golden yellow, densely double, 6-8 cm in size. The height of the bush is 50-65 cm. The leaves are small, dark green. Flowering time is early October.
  • 'Aurora'. Inflorescences are flat, 9-11 cm in size, orange. The height of the bush is 75-84 cm. The leaves are medium-sized, dark green. Blooms from September.
  • ‘Snow Elf’. Inflorescences are pompom, densely double, snow-white, 6-8 cm in size. The height of the bush is 54-75 cm. The flowering time is from September.
  • ‘Valley Roof’. Inflorescences are flat, pink-lilac, double, 7-9 cm in size. Flowering time is the end of September.
  • ‘Primzvara’ Inflorescences are hemispherical, 8-11 cm in size, light pink. The height of the bush is 74-95 cm. The leaves are medium, dark green. Blooms from September.

These varieties include all the distinctive colors of chrysanthemums. There are also two-color types. Taking into account the age and variety, one plant can have from ten to hundreds of inflorescences.

Chrysanthemum Yessenna

Beautifully flowering and tall (up to 1.5 m) bush. Ligulate white flowers, tubular - rich yellow. Umbrella inflorescences. Flowering occurs from September. This variety is a perennial plant.

Sowing chrysanthemum

An annual shrub with solid elongated leaves without petioles and an erect stem, up to 64 cm... The inflorescences are usually colored deep yellow. Blooms from June.

Chrysanthemum multi-stem

A low-growing bush with erect numerous stems, up to 24 cm in size. The shape of the leaves can be different. The inflorescences are deep yellow in color, reaching a size of 4 cm in circumference. Differs in long and abundant flowering.

Chrysanthemums: growing and care


What garden chrysanthemums look likePlants love diffused bright light, flowers shade from the midday direct sun. The evening and morning rays of the sun are beneficial for plants. A suitable place for flower care is on the windowsills of the east and west direction.


It is advisable to keep garden flowers outside the house in summer, in an area protected from the rays of the sun. You can keep the plant there until frost. Indoors, it is best to give the chrysanthemums a cool place, about 16C.

Types of ways to remove thrips from chrysanthemums:


Chrysanthemums are watered abundantly during the growing season, with settled and soft water, as the top layer of the earth dries up. It is impossible to allow the soil to dry out when leaving - this can lead to the fall of buds and leaves. When kept cool in the house, watering is done carefully so as not to moisten the ground too much.


Groundbait, when caring for a plant, is produced every week, during the growing season, with a flower complex fertilizer.


Perennial garden chrysanthemumWhen the chrysanthemum bush has faded, you need to cut it off near the ground and move it to a cool place with a temperature of about 4-6C. In March, the bush is transplanted and moved to a cool (14-19C) and bright room. The substrate for chrysanthemum is taken loose and nutritious, for example, this:

  • humus (1 hour);
  • sod land (1 hour);
  • sand (0.3 hours);
  • peat (1 hour).

At the bottom of the container, drainage is provided.

Growing multi-colored garden chrysanthemums brings the autumn and dull landscape to life, as they bloom before the winter frosts. They look great with many different shrubs and flowers in the garden, so you can place bush chrysanthemums in any row of flower beds. The use of chrysanthemum leaves and flowers does not stop at decorating the garden, today they are widely used for medicinal purposes. It is believed that their use increases immunity and is the prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

Perennial garden chrysanthemums
Terry feathery forms of chrysanthemumsGarden flower chrysanthemumHow to propagate chrysanthemumsChrysanthemum careChrysanthemum varietyYellow variety of chrysanthemumsLarge flowers of chrysanthemumsWhite chrysanthemum flower in the gardenWatering and fertilizing for chrysanthemumsPerennial garden chrysanthemumChrysanthemum careGrowing chrysanthemumsPerennial garden chrysanthemumWhite in the garden

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