Perennial flowers for a summer residence: a catalog with names

To create a flower bed in the garden, you need to work hard. A flower garden where perennial flowers grow will help significantly reduce the time and effort in planting annuals. From year to year, they emerge as soon as it gets warmer, in their former place, they easily survive winter conditions and do not require an annual planting.

Benefits of perennials

Some growers prefer annual crops because of their unique colors. But many people choose perennial flowers. Garden plant data have the following advantages:

  • Do not need a transplant for about two years.
  • Able to withstand light frost.
  • Frost-resistant.
  • No special maintenance required.
  • Look great throughout the warm season.
  • They are used to create flower beds and flower beds, as well as in landscape design.
  • Perennials are planted in three ways: bulbs, roots, seeds. You can plant in large batches, drawing out compositionally, because in the coming years these actions will not have to be repeated.
  • Growing perennials is cheaper, reproduction occurs by dividing the plant into several parts.

Classification and varieties of perennials

Perennial flower varietiesPerennial plants are able to create unique landscape compositionsif you choose them correctly. Such a flower bed, depending on the season and month, will change its color palette and even ornament. Such a garden plot will become the pride of any florist.

Tiers of flowers can create the greatest effect when a flower garden is created taking into account the height of the plants. For mature plants, a classification of horticultural crops is carried out, where their growth is taken into account. There are four main groups of perennial flowers that can grow in a garden or vegetable garden:

  1. Low,
  2. Average,
  3. High,
  4. Curly.

Stunted flowers

Perennial flowers are considered small plants, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm... Borders, rocky gardens and flower beds are often decorated with similar species, they look especially beautiful when the culture enters the flowering phase. Unpretentious flowers for many years are used for summer cottages when you need to decorate the lawn with a carpet. Such coatings successfully hide all the unevenness of the soil, and are also very economical if you look at it from the point of view of labor costs and finances. To get a living carpet, flowers should be planted close to each other. Low-growing perennial plants are very diverse, but the most the following copies are in demand:

  • What are the varieties of flowers from the genus of perennialPansies. These flowers are very beautiful and are considered unpretentious since they do not require special care. They are pleasing to the eye all summer long, and in some warm regions and year-round with a variety of shades and their combinations. They are in perfect harmony with tall and medium-sized specimens, emphasizing their beauty.
  • Periwinkle. This plant can withstand frost in cold seasons and shade in warm seasons. It can grow in any soil. It is used in rock gardens and rocky compositions.A wide pink or blue rug looks great.
  • Phloxes are gorgeous decorative flowers with vibrant tones of white and scarlet. They have proven themselves well in landscape design, when a beautiful floral carpet is created, the height of which is no more than 20 cm. These crops thrive in fertile, abundantly humid lands. When planting, it should be noted that for 1 sq. meter accounts for up to six plants.
  • The gentian is a deliciously tender plant that forms beautiful blue-blue flowers that resemble bells. It pleases the eye with its flowering from late June to late August. Indispensable when creating slides and rock gardens, as it grows in nature in the mountains. There are more than 400 species in its genus.

Care rules

All undersized perennials need proper care... It is worth adhering to the following rules:

  • Low-growing perennial flowers in the garden are supported with fertilizers, but their choice should be approached selectively. For example, those containing nitrogen stimulate the growth of stems and leaves, therefore, to maintain the desired height and splendor of flowering, such fertilizers must be used carefully.
  • When planting flowers by seed, it is important to be aware of their tendency to grow in direct sunlight or shade. If you make a mistake and place a light-loving plant in a shady area, such a plant will bloom weakly, its stems will begin to stretch upward and become thinner. Shade-loving crops planted in a sunny place will simply "burn out".
  • Before planting plants by seed or otherwise, pay close attention to the necessary moisture conditions for each flower.
  • By choosing plants according to their flowering period, the effect of continuous flowering can be achieved.
  • Regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds, arrange treatment against pests for prevention.
  • Clean the flower bed of diseased plants and dried flowers regularly.

Medium-sized flowers

This category is represented by plants reaching 30-80 cm. Medium-sized species are planted both in independent flowers and to create tiered compositions... They are widely used and serve as an excellent option for decorating any area. Garden flowers of the photo and the names that you see below are the most popular among perennials of medium height:

  • Medium-sized flowers for the gardenThe daylily has 25 varieties, it does not require special care, is unpretentious, it can grow in one place for up to 10 years. It looks very impressive, therefore it is an excellent garden decoration.
  • Yarrow is in bloom from early June to late autumn, perfectly complements the overall design of the flower garden with an abundance of flowers.
  • Rhodiola rosea has thick oval leaves and unusual inflorescences, mostly yellow. Prefers to bloom in June, July. It is undemanding to light and heat, but it must be provided with a sufficient amount of moisture.

Tall flowers

These varieties can be called garden giants, since the height can be 1.8 meters. Usually for more effect, tall views planted in the center of the overall composition... Among the most popular are the following flowers:

  • The stock-rose grows up to 1.5 meters, its flowers resemble peonies, are placed on high stems. This flowering plant forms double and semi-double inflorescences, the shades of which are very diverse. The stock rose is capable of blooming throughout the summer and even in the fall.
  • Tricirtis Purple Beauty looks very similar to an orchid. Flowering in this tall culture begins in early summer, and continues until the very frost.
  • Sunflower Ivolistny can be used as a single plant, it also looks great in flower beds with other flowers. Flowering begins in the second half of July, is an excellent decoration for the garden.

Climbing crops

Climbing flowers for the gardenNature has endowed man with a large number of species of curly perennial flowers, each of which can boast of exoticism and beauty. All varieties in this category have elastic stemsmost of which need support. Novice gardeners can stop when choosing more unpretentious species.

Climbing plants are most often used for vertical gardening. They are used to decorate balconies, gazebos, fences, walls of houses. They are able to hide all the flaws that arose during the construction period. The photo below shows perennial curly flowers, information about them is as follows:

  • Climbing rose arose as a result of selection work, crossed garden and wild types of roses. The result is a view with arcuate whip-like shoots forming small, hard foliage. The plant needs a solid support. The inflorescences are large enough, consist of small flowers, usually not exceeding 5 cm in diameter. They give off a pleasant aroma. For about 30-40 days, as a rule, only once a year, a climbing rose is able to give aesthetic pleasure by opening its delicate buds. But there are also varieties with repeated flowering. Flowers, depending on the species, can have a variety of colors: red, pink, salmon pink, yellow, white. Climbing roses are very demanding to care for, often very moody in the first year of cultivation. They need abundant and regular watering, sunlight, shelter for the winter.
  • Country flowersWisteria preferred by both beginners and experienced gardeners. This plant belongs to deciduous lianas, they love it for its delicate foliage falling to the ground. It has unusually beautiful clusters of flowers that can reach a length of 50 cm. Looks very attractive, but demanding on the climatic conditions of existence. Wisteria should be pruned twice a year.
  • Maiden grapes is a branched tree-like liana, its length reaches 20 m. This plant does not need support, since by nature it has special antennae with suction cups, thanks to which it can be fixed on any surface. The main aesthetic accent belongs to luscious green foliage, which, with the onset of cold weather, acquires a purple or red hue. Small fruits are formed on its branches, which tend to persist until the foliage falls, they look very decorative. Maiden grapes grow quickly, are unpretentious in care, grow everywhere, tolerate frost well, which is good for Siberia.
  • Honeysuckle reaches a height of 2-3 meters. It is a climbing shrub that requires regular pruning and tying. The resulting flowers smell very nice, and the dark blue fruits have healing properties (in some species). The culture is considered to be very unpretentious and is able to grow in any climatic conditions with different landscapes.

Perennials for the garden of a summer residence are very diverse in shape, shades and flowering times, as they can bring aesthetic pleasure from early spring to the very frost. If you approach competently to the combination of different cultures in flower beds and landscape compositions, then this will make it possible to enjoy the variety of colors and aromas throughout most of the year. With your own hands, you can turn a simple garden plot into a unique and refined one. The summer cottage, constantly filled with the aroma of flowering plants, can become the pride of any owner and the key to an excellent mood.

Perennial flowers for giving
Varieties of perennial flowersGarden perennial flowersGrowing perennial garden flowers from seedsTypes and varieties of flowersChoosing perennials for the gardenFlowers for a summer cottageHow to choose plants for the gardenGarden perennial flowersStunted flowersGarden perennialsName of polythenicsGarden perennial flowers

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    1. Sparaxis - species, photography, how to plant and proper care in the open field | My CMS

      […] The height can be no more than 15-60 cm.Openwork multi-colored flowers of a perennial resemble stars. They can be up to 6 in diameter [...]

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