When to plant a seed rose stock?

Any gardener dreams of having his garden plot decorated with various flowers. Very often for these purposes, a stock rose is used, which is an ornamental plant that fascinates with the beauty of its flowering and makes any front garden original.In addition, such flowers are planted near entrances or gazebos, and caring for them is not difficult. Currently, a large number of different varieties have been bred, including terry ones. So when to plant a flower for seedlings, and how to grow a rose stock from seeds? Let's consider this in more detail.

Flower characteristic

The stock rose is often also called mallow. It was brought to our country from Greece and Egypt. As a result of selection, a large number of varieties were bred, which differ from each other in the variety of colors and flowering features. The most common is the royal mallow., whose double flowers have different colors.

Stem rose
The stem of the rose is very lush and bright.Stock-rose or Mallow is a garden plant that is very popular in our latitudes.Mallow blossoms in the summer months bring joy to summer residents.The mallow bush can grow very actively.

The stem of the rose has strong root system and tall, straight stemsthat can be up to 2 meters long. The flower looks very beautiful in the garden. Mallow goes well with other annuals. If you plant it near the fence, then it can begin to wrap around it, stretching out beautifully along it. It blooms from early summer to late autumn.

When to plant a rose stock for seedlings?

Tying the stem of a rose allows you to grow beautiful tall flowers.Planting mallow seeds for seedlings at home is carried out in late March or early April. The root of such a flower, growing, resembles a rod and during transplantation it can be easily damaged, therefore for sowing seeds it is better to use individual containers... Peat pots are considered ideal, but deep drawers are also quite suitable. These containers are filled with nutrient soil, slightly moistened, after which seeds are planted, which are then sprinkled with soil. To create a greenhouse effect, containers must be covered with foil.

So that the first shoots appear, the optimum temperature is required from +18 to +20 degrees... Under this condition, the sprouts hatch in two weeks. If the seedlings were planted in a common box, they should be thinned out so that there is a distance of 3-4 cm between them.

In the future, growing and caring for sprouts before they are transplanted to a permanent place includes:

  • regular watering;
  • airing and hardening.

Stock rose: growing from seed

Mallow is another name for rose stem.If the cultivation of terry mallow begins with sowing seeds in open ground, then the planting material should be prepared by the beginning of May. It is at this time that this process is carried out. The place where the landing will be made should be dug up and prepared in advance. Then make grooves or holes 2-3 cm deep with a distance of 50 cm from each other, in which 2-3 seeds are placed.

As soon as all the mallow seeds are planted, sprinkle them on top with a small layer of soil and lightly tamp them. After that, the wells are slightly moistened and left in this state until sprouts appear. If the weather conditions are optimal, the seedlings will begin to germinate in 2 weeks.As soon as there are 2-3 true leaves on the sprouts, they are thinned out, leaving one strong sprout in the hole.

Mallow care

Caring for this flower includes:

  • choosing a place for growing;
  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • tying up.

Choosing the right place and watering

Growing stock roses in a garden plot - helpful tips.Rose stem care begins with choosing a place where it will be grown. The site must be well lit by sunlight. If there is a slight partial shade, this will also not interfere with the mallow. In addition, the selected place should not be in a draft, otherwise a strong wind will easily break long stems.

Regarding the soil, the stem of the rose does not impose special requirements on it. But it is advisable to grow terry mallow on fertile landwhich should be well fertilized. But if the site is sandy or dense clay, then planting a flower in such soil is undesirable.

During the first year of growing, special attention should be paid to watering the young shoots. They need to be watered regularly, but in such a way that the ground does not dry out, but also does not become excessively moist. Also, water should not come into contact with plant leaves.

Top dressing and tying to supports

Caring for mallow includes fertilizing, and this should be done only a few times per season. Top dressing is usually carried out after planting the seeds and in mid-August.... To do this, use universal fertilizers used for horticultural crops.

If the mallow reaches a height of 1.5–2 m, then it must be tied up. Wooden stakes are used as supports, which should be driven into the soil near the roots of the rose, but not too close. In order not to harm the stems, natural soft rope or braid is used as a garter. Plants, tied up in time, develop better and will not be broken by the wind.

Diseases and pests

The rose can be affected by such diseases and pests as:

They arise most often due to excessive waterlogging of the soil, lack of sunlight, cold weather. To prevent a disease such as rust, mallow seeds when planting must be treated with antifungal drugs, for example, a solution of colloidal sulfur. When white spots appear on the leaves, they are treated with fungicides, which are also used for vegetables.

Thus, the terry mallow, the photo of which is presented in the article, is a rather unpretentious plant, it is easy to grow and just as easy to care for. By giving the stem to the rose the necessary amount of attention, you can achieve abundant flowering, which will delight the gardener to the fullest.

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