Caring for muraya at home: features, photos

There are many plants in the world that are quite rare and little known to ordinary people. One of them is the muraya, which is a family of rutae. Under natural conditions, there are about 10 species of this plant. It has the largest representation in China, Taiwan, India, as well as in most of the Asian southern space. This beauty is not uncommon in Australia.

Description of murayi

A photo of a plant allows you to evaluate only its decorative properties. However, it is important for any grower to obtain complete information about the plant.

Representing a group of evergreen shrubs, muraya is a fairly short plant, which usually grows as a bush. During the growing season, it forms a thin and flexible trunk with a light gray bark. During the season, muraya develops smooth, fleshy leaves that are dark green in color. Their characteristic shape is round or oval, special curly cutouts that are inherent in maple leaves are absent.

Among the representatives of the Rutov family, one of the most popular fruits is mandarin:

The main decoration of the houseplant Muraya are white flowers, reaching 80 cm in diameter. Their feature is the presence of five distinct petals, resembling an asterisk. Muraya is very similar to a lily because of its unusual shape. Another common property is that this plant has petals gracefully bent back. When flowering comes to an end, a small fruit begins to ripen. It is edible and contains a small bone inside. Usually until the stage of technical maturity of the fruit it should take about 4 months.

If you create comfortable growing conditions for the muraya, then its flowering and fruiting can continue throughout the year without interruption. This makes the plant unique: you can often observe how buds, opened flowers and ripe fruits hang on the plant at the same time.

Muraya flower care

In principle, when growing a muraya flower at home, it does not cause much trouble to the grower, however, in order to avoid problems, it will not hurt to take into account some features.

The soil

Muraya flower appearanceIf you want Muraya to thank you with beautiful flowers and delicious fruits, then it is best to grow it in loose and slightly acidic soil. The most suitable for her is the soil, which is prepared from the following components:

  • grain and leaf land;
  • humus;
  • river clean sand of coarse fraction.

The listed components are taken in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1. However, flower growers do not always manage to get the necessary components for planting soil. In this case, they can be helped by ready-made citrus soil, which can be purchased at the store.

Before use in a ready-made soil for muraya it will not hurt add special baking powder... For example one can use vermiculite or coconut fiber. Perlite can also be a good alternative.But when choosing a soil for a plant, it is necessary to take into account its age: the younger it is, the more loose the soil mixture should be. Therefore, when growing young plants, it is recommended to fill the pot with soil, which should contain more loosening agents. Then you can count on a beautiful and long flowering.

Flower feeding

In order to avoid unexpected surprises during the growth and flowering of Muraya, it is recommended to feed at least once a month. The best effect is provided by alternating application organic and mineral fertilizers... The seed-grown flower can be supplied with the necessary nutrients with a special bonsai formula.

But we must not forget that all feeding should be carried out in moderation. After all, the harm to this indoor plant will be much more serious if you feed it than it does not receive the necessary nutrients. If you have not taken into account this point, then be prepared for the fact that the plant will gain a lot of deciduous mass, but it will produce very few flowers. They are the main decoration of the muraya, for which it is grown.

When choosing fertilizers for muraya, one must take into account that they do not contain chlorine. Such fertilizing is dangerous for the plant, as it increases the risk of developing chlorosis.

At home, due to improper care, the beautiful azalea also suffers from chlorosis, blooming in winter when it snows outside the window:


Muraya PaniculataIn the summer, when it gets particularly hot, more abundant watering is necessary. However, if you choose the wrong mode, then it can harm a houseplant... Waterlogging is especially dangerous for the muraya, because it will not be able to grow normally in a stagnant swamp. Such miscalculations can lead to rotting of the root system, and subsequently the plant may die. You need to be attentive to the muraya in the cool season and in winter, when watering is reduced. This must be done to maintain the optimum moisture content of the substrate.

It is also equally important what kind of water is used for irrigation.

  • it should be soft and stable;
  • in addition, it should be free of chlorine, so it is unacceptable to use tap water;
  • To soften the water, you can add a little citric acid or apple cider vinegar to the water before watering.

Any errors in watering this houseplant can cause yellowing of the leaves. If no action is taken at this moment, the plant may remain completely naked.

Air humidity

It seems surprising, but this representative of the humid southern tropics, although not for long, feels quite comfortable with low air humidity. However, muraya will not be able to constantly grow in such conditions, so it is necessary to take measures to correct the situation. Otherwise, it can lead to drying of the tips of the leaves. Muraya of the Ming variety reacts especially sensitively to this, in which flowers and buds begin to fall off in dry air.

Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful about the plant when growing it in rooms where heat and stuffiness persist for a long time or batteries are turned on. During such periods, it is necessary to carry out regular spraying of leaves from a spray bottle. Also, to maintain optimal humidity, it is useful to place the flower pot on a pallet filled with wet expanded clay or other drainage.


Conditions for murayiConsidering that muraya is home to the southern hemisphere, it responds positively to the abundance of light. Therefore, to create the most comfortable growing conditions, it is recommended to place it in a well-lit area. However, one should ensure protection from the scorching midday sun... Therefore, this houseplant will feel best if it is provided with a sufficient amount of diffused light during the care process.

  • the pot where the muraya grows is recommended to be kept on the windows facing the east or west side;
  • when growing muraya from seeds on the south window, shading should be carried out regularly at midday;
  • the most inappropriate place for growing muraya at home is the north side. Due to the lack of lighting, the muraya will quickly begin to feel uncomfortable and will begin to shed leaves. The problem of lack of lighting can be solved by additional illumination with a fluorescent lamp. From such a procedure, the plant will feel more comfortable. After all, it grows best when the longest daylight hours are provided.

The modern species diversity of flowers is represented by many groups, and in each of them there are extraordinary plants. Such in the Marenov family is the gardenia - a flower with extraordinary beauty and tenderness:


Despite the fact that muraya is a heat-loving plant, extreme heat can harm it. Therefore, in the summer for a flower grown from seeds, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 25 degrees indoors, and in winter - no higher than 17 degrees... Strong temperature fluctuations should be avoided, both upward and downward. You need to be especially careful about the black muraya, which is extremely negatively affected by drafts.


What properties does muraya have?For lovers of exotic plants, it probably makes sense to pay attention to the muraya, which, with appropriate care, can please domestic flower growers with its beautiful flowering. Therefore, if you are really interested in muraya, then you have enough adhere to the rules for growingso that it delights you with beautiful buds throughout the year. But for this you will have to take very careful care of the muraya, because it is equally dependent not only on the quality of the soil, but also on watering and lighting.

If you want it to retain its attractive leaves and flowers for as long as possible, then during the care process you will have to maintain the optimal temperature depending on the season.

Muraya flower
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