Growing alyssum: when and how to plant it from seeds

Alyssum is a herbaceous ground cover crop. It can be both annual and perennial. Alyssum (lobularia or beetroot) is distinguished by a large number of small flowers of different shades (here it all depends on the variety).

The plant is very popular with gardeners, and they often decorate their flower gardens with alyssum, as they have a lush bloom and exude a pleasant honey scent. And alyssums bloom for a long time and are not particularly picky in terms of leaving. In the article, you will also see photos of samples of these flowers.

Features of alissum

Plant height is only from 20 to 30 centimeters... Small flowers can have the following shades:

  • red;
  • purple;
  • white;
  • pink;
  • yellow.

Alissums are grown at home in summer cottages and private households, and cultivation in public city beds is also practiced. Most plant varieties flower from June to October when properly cared for. Alissums are able to withstand minor cold weather, in particular, frost up to up to 10 degrees below zero... And some species of this plant can survive all winter without dropping their foliage.

In the photo you can see how wide the variety of varieties of this flower is.

Rules for planting and growing alyssum

Alyssum can be grown in seedlingsFor planting and subsequent cultivation of alissum, you need to choose well-lit areas. In partial shade, it also blooms, but one of the color pillows will be loose. In addition to the fact that the plant tolerates frost well, it is also normally adapted to dry air. However, the landing site must be ventilated.

Soil for planting should have the following properties:

  • ease;
  • fertility;
  • be moderately fertilized;
  • well drained;
  • neutrality.

If you plan to grow the Pyrenean alyssum, then, among other things, the soil for planting must contain large amounts of calcium so that the alyssum blooms well.

Places and compositions

Planting alissum not only in plots and flower beds... They can also be grown in flowerpots at home, they are very attractive if planted on retaining walls, rock gardens, in the space between slabs or stones.

Alyssum looks very beautiful in compositions with other colors. Especially wonderful contrasts are created in combination with plants of violet, blue or pink shades. In the photo you can find such examples and evaluate how you would like to decorate your site.

And lower a list of colors, with which it is best to plant alissum:

  • red tulip;
  • bearded dwarf iris;
  • rose flower;
  • pelargonium;
  • turkish carnation;
  • heliotrope;
  • forest forget-me-not;
  • phlox;
  • razuha;
  • obrietta.

Features of growing alissum

Naturally, the first question when growing alissum is when to plant it. Into the ground planting takes place from April to June... The disembarkation time depends on the chosen method. For example, alyssum seedlings are planted in April, but in a flower garden - closer to summer.

Alyssum's scented rugThe most popular ways to reproduce a flower are:

  • seed use;
  • division of bushes;
  • grafting.

Most often, gardeners plant alyssum seed. We will talk about this method of landing in more detail. In the photo you can see some of the landing moments.

The soil for growing alyssum needs light and nutritious with a minimum of lime. Also, this flower loves light.

Alyssum: growing from seed

The seeds of this flower are very small. When planting, they should not be deeply buried in the ground. They follow neatly and sparsely, about 10-15 cm apart, place on the surface of the soil prepared in advance. For better adhesion, it can be sprinkled with a liquid with the addition of potassium permanganate, which is a good prevention of a number of diseases.

Then the seed is pressed by hand up to about 2 cm deep. It is not necessary to sprinkle them on top, since the cultivation of alissum should take place in natural light. If you are planting seed for seedlings in the month of April, but the container with it must be covered with glass or film. Or something else, only transparent.

If the plant after planting has enough light and moisture, then in a week the first shoots will appear, which need to water sparingly... With a dense sprout of seedlings, they should be thinned out, this is part of the care. Otherwise, the flower may get sick and the flowering will be poor. A distance of about 20 cm must be observed between the bushes.

What to do after planting seeds for seedlings at home?

Allisum in the countryIf we talk about planting seeds for seedlings, then seedlings also appear in a week, provided the air temperature is about 20 degrees. If the seedlings of the flower are too fragile, then you need to water the pallet so as not to break them with water pressure and cause disease.

Seedling picking is carried out when 4 real leaves appear... After a few days, when the sprouts are planted in separate containers, you can think about fertilizers.

At the same time, caring for alyssum includes regular hardening; for this, the plant is taken out into the street every day for a few minutes.

Alyssum is transplanted into open ground at the end of May, and flowering begins after about a month. In total, from planting seeds to flowering, subject to proper care, it takes about 2 months. Remember to constantly loosen the soil, weed it, and water the flowers.

In order for the flowers of alyssum to bloom beautifully and densely from summer to frost, you need to follow the rules of care. One of them is moderately nutritious soil, which should not be satiated with organic matter, so as not to grow green mass to the detriment of flowers.

Dry soil will be more comfortable for a flower than saturated with moisture or places where groundwater is located too high. Therefore, when growing alissum from seeds in open ground, you need to choose the right site for it.

Features of winter planting a flower

In some cases, planting of alyssum is carried out immediately after collecting seeds in late summer - early autumn. If the flower survives the winter, then seedlings may appear very early and flowering will begin much earlier than usual.

But in this case, there is a high risk that the planting material will freeze due to shallow planting, and no care will help. Therefore, if you are planning like this, consider the following factors:

  • the length of winter in your area;
  • average temperature readings during the cold period.

Flower care and potential hazards

Behind the flowers of alyssum it's not so difficult to look after, but you need to remember the following:

  • How to plant allisum on the sitewater the plant, especially when it starts to bloom. If periodic precipitation occurs, then this moisture will be sufficient, but during drought it is very important not to let the plant dry out. At the same time, do not allow waterlogging and damp soil;
  • loosen the soil, weed, drain.The plant also needs light and ventilation;
  • fertilizers for alyssum are selected depending on its variety. If the flower is annual, it is fertilized up to 4 times per season, and if it is perennial, then twice a year in spring and autumn. Top dressing is done in the morning at the root. Fertilizers need to be chosen complex or nitrogen;
  • to maintain an attractive appearance and ensure regular flowering, you need to periodically shorten the alissum;
  • despite the fact that most varieties of plants can bloom several seasons in a row and tolerate cold well, it is recommended to rejuvenate the bushes every 3 years, since the old ones bloom worse over time and lose their attractiveness. In addition, young seedlings are more resistant to disease.

When waterlogged, the plant can get sick with fungal infections... In such cases, you need to remove the infected flowers, and the remaining ones should be treated with a fungicide. Alyssum is also susceptible to the negative effects of the cruciferous flea; insecticides are used to combat it.

The root system of the flower can rot if the soil is too heavy and there is no drainage, keep this in mind when caring for your alissum.

Can the flowering period be extended?

Beautiful allisum flowersNaturally, the duration of a plant's flowering depends on the correct care for it. Many subtleties on this matter were mentioned above - this is both a warm place and loose, moderately nutritious soil. Also, avoid prolonged dryness and don't forget to water the flower in dry weather.

In order for the bush to retain its decorative appeal after the first flowering, it is pruned so that it grows better.

If you looked at a photo of alyssum, then you paid attention to its original appearance. You can also use it to create original flower arrangements, in addition, the flower has an incredible aroma. And the fact that Alyssum is not particularly demanding in terms of care makes it a favorite on every flower garden.

Growing allisum from seeds
Reproduction of allisumAlyssum's scented rugAlyssum seedlings are grown in boxesHow to prolong the flowering of alyssumFeatures of growing allisumConditions for growing allisumHow to grow allisum seedlingsHow allisum growsAlyssum's scented rugGrowing alissum from seedsAllisum seedling carePlanting and caring for allisumAlyssum seedlings are grown in boxesHow to grow allisum

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    1. AvatarLudmila

      “The seeds of this flower are very small. When planting, they should not be deeply buried in the ground. They follow neatly and sparsely,about 10-15 cm apart, place on the surface of the soil prepared in advance. For better adhesion, it can be sprinkled with a liquid with the addition of potassium permanganate, which is a good prevention of a number of diseases.

      Then the seed is pressed by hand up to about 2 cm deep. You do not need to sprinkle them on top, since the cultivation of alissum should take place in natural light. " - and that says it all, great stupidity is hard to find. You should at least read what you write yourself, or copy it from the same "author"!

      1. AvatarOksana

        Exactly the same thought!

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