Growing Viscaria flowers from seeds

Any gardener wants to diversify and decorate his garden as much as possible, but in harsh climatic conditions, not all plants can take root. Viscaria does not belong to this group. These flowers not only grow in harsh conditions, but remain healthy even with minimal maintenance. In addition, it is quite easy to grow viscarias on your own from seeds if you follow all the necessary rules.

General information about Viscaria

Viscaria is considered an amazing flower that can decorate any suburban area for a long time. People call these flowers tar or adonis. This plant belongs to the carnation family, as evidenced by its appearance. The propagation of these flowers takes place in two ways, namely by cuttings or growing from seeds. Gardeners most often choose the second option, especially since it is very easy to grow flowers from seeds.

There are many varieties of viscarias. They can be annual or perennial, differ in color and flowering time.... Most often, you can find, for example, a blue, blue or white variety of viscarias, a flowering period that begins in April and ends in July. The stem is straight, upright and has a height of 25 to 100 cm.

Using viscarias for decoration

Viscaria flowers grow even in cool climates.The peculiarity of viscari is that in a short period of time it can cover most of the territory with its green mass and buds. It is because of this thatvets choose to decorate a personal plot or balcony... Unlike other garden plants, these flowers can even be grown in pots, but only if a low-growing variety is planted. Viscaria, which can grow taller than 50 cm, is suitable for a garden plot, since it will simply be cramped in a pot.

It would be wrong to plant only one type of flowers on the territory of a summer cottage, but viscariya does not conflict with other types of plants, but is harmoniously combined with them. For example, many gardeners choose bells or gypsophila in combination with viscarias.

Where and when to plant?

When choosing a whiskey for growing in a summer cottage questions arise about the rules and timing of planting this plant... You must be aware of this in order to end up with strong and healthy flowers with lush flowering.

First of all, it is important to decide on the timing of planting flowers. Florists distinguish 3 periods:

  • autumn;
  • early spring;
  • late spring.

Beautiful white tar (viscarias) on the site.It is impossible to allocate an acceptable time for planting seeds here, since any time is favorable in terms of temperature for growing a plant. In autumn, flower growers plant viscarias in order to get the first shoots by spring, and maybe a small amount of green mass, which will mean a successful landing. In the spring, seeds are sown so that they are not afraid of low temperatures, but in this case it makes no sense to wait for flowering in the same year.

In most cases, seeds are sown in open ground, which is pre-loosened and fertilized. It is impossible to plant in open ground only in early spring, when the temperature is unstable. It is better to use a greenhouse in early spring to make sure future flowers are safe.

Outdoor cultivation

Sowing viscarias seeds outdoors is best in the spring, when the temperature stabilizes at night. Before sowing, the seeds are preliminarily placed in a solution of potassium permanganate and soak them for 2-3 hours, and then dry.

It is important to pay attention to the place for planting flowers. Viscaria loves a large amount of light, so it is better to choose an open space, where not only sunlight will fall, but moisture will also get in. High humidity is an important component for the favorable growth of these flowers. There is no particular preference in soils, but like any other plant, tar loves fertility. The lightness of the soil and the pre-prepared drainage, allows you to activate growth much faster.

Growing in greenhouses

Lychnis viskaria are bright flowers that are very easy to grow.In greenhouses, viscarias are grown from seeds in early spring, when there are still no stable temperatures. Low temperatures can simply kill flowers. Greenhouses are needed only for brood seedlings from seeds, and then the flowers can be easily transplanted into open ground, but it is important to take into account some features. For example, before sowing tar seeds, the soil in greenhouses should be loose. Flowers can be transplanted only in May, when the roots are firmly established in the soil, and the plant itself will gain enough strength.

In cases where there is simply no greenhouse, ordinary pots or boxes are suitable, which can be easily installed in the house. The procedure is almost identical. Viscaria seeds are sown in pots with loose soil and wait until the first shoots appear. Then the container with flowers is sent to a cool room with a temperature of 15-18 degrees. At the beginning of May, the viscarias can be safely transplanted into open ground, together with a lump of earth, entrenched on the root system.

Autumn sowing

There is a third option, namely, planting flowers in the autumn before winter. This method requires some experience, because it is important to protect future flowers from frost and freezing of the soil.

  1. Only some varieties of viscarias can adapt in late spring, survive low temperatures in winter, and you need to find out about this in advance from experienced flower growers.
  2. In the fall, tar seeds can be sown only between other flowers that have already formed and gained their strength. The root system of other plants will help protect the seeds from freezing in the soil.

If you do everything correctly, then at the beginning of the spring period you can see the first shoots of viscarias.

Viscaria (tar) - planting and care features
Planting flowers in the spring in the ground.Viscaria (tar) is an unpretentious and bright plant.Sticky resin - plant features.Lychnis or Viscaria is a beautiful flower.

How to prepare the soil for planting?

The first step before planting tar seeds is to prepare the soil. This rule must be followed so that the flowers receive all the necessary components at the very beginning of their formation. Resin, which grows on soil that has been fertilized with compost or humus, grows much faster and has a voluminous green mass.

Clay soils are the most demanding in terms of preparation... They require more than 3 kilograms of humus or compost per square meter. All other soils do not require that much fertilizer, and some can get by with a simple bucket of coarse sand.

In general, there are several criteria for the ideal soil for planting viscarias. For example, the ground should not be acidic, loose, or swampy. It is necessary to loosen the soil only before sowing seeds.but, in general, the structure of the earth should be dense. Viscaria can be grown in clay soils, but this is difficult due to poor soil drainage. This type of soil dries up and cracks during drought, and during rain it becomes dense and does not allow water to pass through. That is why clay rock is broken up by adding river sand.

Important to know when landing

  1. Small resin seeds. One thousand seeds weigh only one gram, so it takes only 0.1 g to plant 100 flowers.
  2. No more than 3-4 seeds are sown per hole.
  3. The flowering of viscarias after planting begins only in the second year.
  4. The first signs of seedlings can be seen as early as 2 weeks after sowing.


Viscaria can be one of the ten most popular colors that are chosen for decorating a backyard. The beauty of this plant can be seen in numerous photos. Viscaria is unpretentious in care and any beginner can grow flowers even from seeds. The main thing is to follow all the rules and features of landing.

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