Growing from scented tobacco seeds

Immediately at the beginning of the article, I would like to note that this plant has nothing to do with nicotine and its smoking. Although the name suggests otherwise.

The homeland of scented tobacco is South America, where this plant is perennial, while here it can bloom for only one season. The leaves of the plant are dark green, and the flower buds look like closed gramophones.

Description of scented tobacco

Scented tobacco belongs to the family Solanaceaewhich must be planted anew every year. It is considered the most popular of all fragrant summer flowers. In order to enjoy the aroma on a summer evening, they planted it in their front gardens. There are plants that attract with their sophistication and beauty, and fragrant tobacco attracts everyone with its smell that appears in the evenings. Moreover, the brighter the color of the flower, the weaker its aroma.

Fragrant tobacco belongs to annual plants. Its stem is thin and can reach a height of 80 cm. It has large leaves, which are rounded towards the root, and elongated on the stem itself. The flowers are star-shaped and reach 8 cm in diameter, collected in racemose inflorescences. In nature, scented tobacco exists only in white. The plant itself is covered with hairs that can protect it from sunburn and, in addition, they secrete a substance with a very specific odor.

Fragrant tobacco: photos and varieties

Currently developed many varieties of scented tobacco, which have a very different color. For instance:

  • Pink
  • Raspberry red
  • Purple
  • Lemon green
  • And etc.

Can be distinguished the most popular and famous of varieties, these are:

  • "Sunny Bunny". The flowers are painted in a rich yellow color, and can reach a height of up to 80 cm.
  • "Night fire". The flowers are crimson, and can reach a height of 60 cm.
  • "Ringing Bell". The flowers are painted in a delicate pink color, and can reach a height of 90 cm.
  • "Purple Haze". The flowers are painted in the lilac color of the same name, and can reach a height of 60-75 cm.
  • "Green light". The flowers are painted in a pleasant lemon color, and can reach a height of 50 cm.

Growing and planting scented tobacco from seeds

How to plant scented tobaccoFragrant tobacco is unpretentious in care and cultivation. It is considered a thermophilic plant, therefore, before planting it in open ground, it is necessary to prepare seedlings... At the end of February, having chosen the variety you need, you can sow seeds by placing them in a shallow container. The container must be covered with a piece of glass or transparent film.

Since the seeds are very small in size, they are not buried in the ground, but simply scattered over the ground and sprayed with water. In this case, the air temperature should be at least 20 degrees. In order for the seeds to sprout better, it is recommended to soak the seeds in gauze before sowing and let them swell. Prepare the soil before sowing. It is necessary to take peat, garden soil and humus in equal parts.

The first sprouts should appear in 1.5-2 weeks, which will need to be seated in separate cups.

When to plant tobacco and how to care for it

Plant careThe most optimal time for planting seedlings on the street is the first days of June, when the soil will already be warmed up. The interval between the root should be left 30-50 centimeters, depending on what kind of flower and what height it will be.It is better to dig up and water the soil before planting, adding organic fertilizers to it. It is better to add superphosphate in the seedling hole. And in order not to disturb the roots, then they must be transplanted together with the ground in which the seedlings grew.

Ornamental tobacco does not make great demands on the soil, but since it has large leaves, it a lot of moisture is needed... Therefore, the main conditions for flowering are drainage and abundant watering.

The place for growing tobacco must receive good light and it must be protected from the wind. It blooms throughout the summer and ends just before the fall. And in order to somehow extend the flowering period, you need to remove dried buds on it, weed and loosen the ground. After every two weeks, it is advisable to fill the soil with organic fertilizers. So the tobacco will bloom until the first frost of autumn. Flowers bloom only in the evening and are open all night, and in the morning they hide again.

After the plant has faded, a fruit containing seeds remains on it. They can be used for planting next year.

Fragrant tobacco is very resistant to various pests and diseases, it phytoncide plant... He is able to scare off pests not only from himself, but also nearby plants. There were cases that tobacco was attacked by the Colorado potato beetle.

Tobacco propagates by seeds. But you can plant it outside before winter, provided that the seeds have good shelter and are reliably protected from frost. These flowers are said to be healthier and bloom brighter.

You can also dig a bush in the fall, transplant it for the winter in a pot... All greens will need to be cut and watered periodically. And in the spring, plant it again in open ground.

Scented tobacco
Fragrant tobacco seedlingsConditions for growing scented tobaccoGrowing seedlings of scented tobaccoHow to sow scented tobacco seedsDescription of the fluffy tobacco plantHow scented tobacco bloomsCultivation of scented tobaccoScented tobacco seedsA flower bed of scented tobaccoHow to grow scented tobacco on the siteWatering and caring for scented tobaccoFragrant tobacco pestsFragrant tobacco in bloom

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