
Planting and transplanting blackberries: rules, nuances, step-by-step instructions
blackberry on a trellis

For beginners or experienced gardeners who are faced with a new crop, it is useful to know some of the secrets of planting and transplanting it. Blackberry is no exception in this case. Her planting and transplanting, although they have some nuances, are not so difficult that even a person far from gardening cannot cope with this. Just consistent implementation of the points of the plan - and soon the blackberry will thank you with a good harvest.

Such a different sea buckthorn: popular varieties, cultivation features in different regions

In late summer and early autumn, on the bushes growing in summer cottages and garden plots, placers of orange berries appear among the silvery-greenish elongated leaves. This is sea buckthorn, which got its name from the fact that fragrant small berries densely stick around the branches. The shrub growing on the plots of many gardeners in Russia is the buckthorn buckthorn, which (meaning the fruits, as well as the products made from them - oil, juice, jam, jam) contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Sea buckthorn is eaten raw, processed to make jams, tinctures, and medicines.

Morena's honeysuckle: a well-deserved picky variety

Honeysuckle began its journey through amateur gardens not so long ago, at the end of the 20th century. Before that, it was mainly considered a wild plant. In the same years, new, improved varieties began to appear rapidly, distinguished by tasty berries and extraordinary resistance to adverse weather conditions. One of these varieties is Morena.

Iron vitriol in the fight against diseases and pests in the vineyard

Iron sulfate is one of the traditional chemicals used in horticulture and horticulture. Due to its versatile properties and low toxicity, it is widely used by winegrowers as a fungicide, fertilizer, and also for other important purposes. Despite the availability of many new drugs for the fight against diseases and pests on the market, iron vitriol does not lose its popularity.

How to plant and grow raspberries at their summer cottage

Raspberries are a very common berry crop in Russia. Its taste and benefits are known to everyone from childhood. At the same time, the plant is quite aggressive, quickly spreading over the site, capturing new territories. Therefore, not every land-poor summer resident decides to plant it at home. Cultural aggression must be fought, and in general, raspberries require care and care from the gardener, which, of course, will be rewarded with a good harvest of sweet and aromatic berries.