Arochny grape: an ornamental plant with beautiful and aromatic berries

Among the many grape varieties there is an unspoken list of "for the lazy". This is the name for grapes that require almost no maintenance, often - even sheltering bushes for the winter. One of the representatives of such plants is the Archny grape. Its taste is mediocre, but the berries look attractive, which is why the variety is easily sold on the market, the bush grows well, and can be used to decorate summer cottages.

Breeding history, description and characteristics of the Arochny grape variety

The Arochny grape variety was bred in the Novocherkassk VNIIViV them. ME AND. Potapenko. This institute has been breeding grapes for over 80 years, and most of the developments are firmly included in the all-Russian grape range. However, the origin of Arochny grapes is somewhat confused even in the documents of the institute. It is known that one of the "parents" was the Druzhba variety, and about the second, Intervitis Magaracha, vague assumptions are made. This is probably due to the complex pollination of the initial forms, as a result of which the target product received both better and undesirable properties of several varieties. In addition to the name Arched, it is also known as III-14-1-1, Friendship pink or Color.

Arched - a table hybrid form of early ripening grapes, the growing season is from 115 to 120 days. It got its name due to the very high vigor of growth of shoots, as a result of which the bush is very large and is often used to decorate various building structures, including arches. Young shoots grow at least three meters in height over the summer. The vine ripens almost 100%, and this happens long before the onset of frost: by the beginning of autumn, the shoots become almost lignified.

Arch of grapes

The grapes are suitable for decorating gazebos, territories, any areas

The variety is very easily propagated by all known methods, usually using rooting of lignified cuttings. Compatible with most commonly used rootstocks. Already in the second year after planting with annual seedlings, the first berries appear. From 65 to 80% of the shoots are fruiting, 1 or 2 bunches are born on each of them. Since the harvest in most regions is ready for harvest in August, it turns out that during the fall the bush is, in fact, "idle". Thus, this grape is most interesting in regions with a short summer, especially since its frost resistance is at a very decent level: the vine can withstand temperatures up to -25 without shelter. aboutFROM.

Resistance to most diseases is increased: two standard preventive fungicide treatments per season practically guarantee the absence of problems with mildew, powdery mildew and other dangerous diseases. And since in the southern half of the country's territory the bush can winter without shelter, and to the north it can be minimal, Arochny can be considered an unproblematic grape variety and recommend it for novice summer residents.Moreover, its yield is stable and rather high, and the berries ripen even before the beginning of September.

Bunches of cylindrical-conical shape, above average, average weight about 0.5 kg, berries are packed very tightly in them. There is no peeling, that is, the presence of very small berries. The bunches remain on the bushes for a long time after ripening, while the berries not only do not fall off, but their presentation and taste do not deteriorate. The bunches look very elegant, which attracts buyers in the market, they are transported without problems over long distances.

Bunch of grapes arched

The bunches of Arochny look more than convincing and attract buyers in the market

The berries are relatively large, although by modern standards they can rather be classified as medium: their standard size is about 2.5 x 1.8 cm with an oval-nipple shape with a pointed tip. The berries of the well-known Arcadia grape have the same shape, but the weight of the Archny berry is smaller: about 5 g. The color strongly depends on the illumination: the standard color is pink, but with a sufficient amount of solar radiation it can be almost red, and in partial shade the berries are even at the stage of full maturities remain greenish.

With such positive qualities as trouble-free growing and elegant appearance of berries and bunches, most amateurs are disappointed with a very mediocre taste.

It is delicately described as harmonious, since the combination of total sugar content (about 17%) and acidity (4-5 g / l) is quite normal in relation to each other. But tasters do not note other advantages of a very simple taste. Sometimes some "marmalade" is described when using grapes, but most of those who have tried it claim that they did not feel anything special in the taste. Moreover, the berries contain large bones, and their dense fleshy pulp is covered with a rather thick skin.

Due to the fact that at present there is a huge number of grape varieties of much better taste, Archny is increasingly used only in landscape design, for landscaping the territories of sites, parks, summer cottages. True, some farmers do not hesitate to take out berries for sale, because they look gorgeous. But those gardeners who grow the variety for themselves mainly use the crop in cooking: they prepare juices, jam, wine. Quite large leaves are sometimes used to make stuffed cabbage.

Video: Arched harvest on the bushes

Features of planting and growing grape varieties Arochny

Planting and growing Arochny grapes is not difficult at all. Of course, in order for it to show all its positive properties, agricultural technology should be no worse than in the case of growing the best quality harvest, but more capricious grape varieties. But it will grow normally with a simplified approach to most stages of the planting and caring process. Some gardeners even plant grapes "under scrap". This term means that in the spring in the soggy soil, a crowbar is punched as deep a hole as possible. Having expanded it by swinging the scrap, they pour a certain amount of compost into the hole, lower the seedling there, cover it with earth, and then forget about everything. Many varieties grow and bear fruit at the same time.

But if you do everything according to the rules, you should not forget that grapes, after all, are a southern plant, they love the sun, warmth, are afraid of drafts and require highly fertile soil. Moreover, the Arched is a tall bush, which means that the planting pit for it should be rather big. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a well-lit, but protected from the winds, area and from the autumn dig a hole with dimensions of at least 80 x 80 x 80 cm, and preferably a meter. In principle, in the southern regions, you can try to plant a one-year-old cutting in this hole in the fall, covering it with sawdust or spruce branches for the winter. Most likely, it will take root and develop into a powerful bush. In the north, the guarantee of the success of this approach is not absolute, so it is better to plant a pre-grown seedling and do it in April.

The pit is filled as usual. If the soil on the site is not entirely sandy, drainage from crushed stone, broken brick, etc. is placed on the bottom of the pit, and a vertical pipe is drawn there for watering the seedling in the first years. Next, half of the pit is filled with well-fertilized soil (at least two buckets of humus, half a bucket of ash, half a kilogram of azofoska), and clean soil is placed on top. Immediately equip and a solid support: a trellis or something where they are going to let the grapes for intensive growth of shoots.

Planting pit with pipe

Drainage at the bottom of the pit prevents the roots from rotting from excess water, and the pipe is arranged so that the water flows as intended

During the winter, equilibrium will be established in the pit, soil bacteria will do their job, and at the end of April it will be possible to plant grapes. The purchased seedling is soaked in water and buried deep. It is important that young roots do not touch the fertilizer, but no more than two buds are peeking out. The seedling is well watered, and the soil around it is mulched. In the first year, watering is carried out frequently, once a week pouring through the pipe at least a bucket of water heated in the sun, and in case of dry weather, two. At the end of summer, watering is stopped.

Caring for an adult plant is simple. He rarely needs watering: the roots grow strong, they find moisture on their own. If the grapes are grown for harvest, then during the pouring of the berries, watering is desirable, especially in dry weather, but no later than three weeks before the berries are ready for harvest.

Top dressing is required infrequently. If we are only talking about decorating the garden, you can remember about them only sometimes, and if you want to use berries, they should be held annually, but without fanaticism. At least Arochny is very responsive to the application of both organic and mineral fertilizers. They are brought in in early spring into small holes dug along the periphery of the bush. Every two years, two buckets of compost are enough, and several liters of wood ash are added annually. Complex mineral fertilizers are more useful for foliar dressing: the bushes are sprayed with diluted solutions before flowering and at the beginning of berry growth.

The resistance of the variety to diseases is above average, but at least one early spring spraying for preventive purposes is desirable. Even before the buds swell, the vine should be treated with a 1% solution of ferrous sulfate. If at least minimal signs of disease appear, the treatment must be repeated: with the beginning of the extension of the leaves from the buds, spray the bush with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Bordeaux mixture

Bordeaux mixture - one of the simplest, but reliable fungicides

Arched trimming requires medium. This means that no more than 40 eyes should be left for the entire bush. The load on each shoot depends on the age of the bush and its purpose. Since it bears fruit most intensively in the lower part, closer to the base of the vine, pruning can be short, leaving only 3-4 buds per shoot, although more often they are left in the amount of 6-8 pieces.

The variety is distinguished by increased frost resistance, and in the southern regions it can not only not be covered for the winter, but even not removed from the supports. It is already very risky to do this in the center of Russia; it is imperative to remove the vines and spread them on the ground. After that, it is advisable to cover them with at least sheets of slate or spunbond, which should be enough until a stable snow cover is established. In the northern regions, shelter with coniferous spruce branches or roofing felt is mandatory. In case of freezing, grapes grow well from duplicate buds.

Video: Arched grapes on trellises

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety in comparison with similar

If we compare Arochny grapes with non-covering varieties that are currently used mainly as ornamental plants, such as Isabella, Amur or, even more so, maiden grapes, then, of course, it surpasses them by a head in the quality of the harvest: the berries are large, beautiful and quite edible, and some even like the taste.But comparing it with table varieties of early ripening (like Arcadia) is completely inappropriate: here it has an advantage only from the point of view of ease of care, and in terms of the taste of berries, it is clearly inferior to most of similar varieties. The undoubted advantages of the variety are:

  • increased frost resistance;
  • undemanding to growing conditions;
  • ease of reproduction;
  • high resistance to disease;
  • stable and good yield;
  • exceptional transportability of the crop;
  • the safety of berries on the bushes for a long time;
  • good presentation.

Obvious disadvantages include:

  • mediocre berry taste;
  • the presence in the fruit of large seeds and hard skin;
  • large food area: for decorating the garden, this is a plus, and when grown for commercial purposes - wasteful use of the area.

Despite the fact that at present there are hundreds of excellent grape varieties, Arochny is still planted quite often, especially in the northern regions, since, with a satisfactory quality of berries, it has increased frost resistance and high decorativeness.


Arched - a variety with its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are as follows: the variety is fruitful and stable, comprehensively resistant to diseases, looks attractive outwardly, a very powerful vine, vigorous - able to cover the arbor. I did not check for frost resistance, but judging by the thickness of the vine, it should be increased. Disadvantages: it tastes like grass for grass. The bunches are not very large, the berry is also not very large. An unpretentious variety for the "lazy", for sale.


For the second season, I get a full harvest of the Arch, and I am not overjoyed. With standard treatments, it does not get sick at all, does not take rot, the berry does not crack, yes, the bunch is small, but beautiful, the flesh is crispy, with a fruity-apple flavor - in general, today I have a favorite. And if we take into account this year with frosts in May, with flowering in July, when 70 percent of varieties and forms have no harvest at all, or even disappeared altogether - I take off my hat to Archny! The only color this year is weak, but it doesn't matter.


An arched variety for a summer residence, crooks will try and never climb again. I didn’t like the taste either, but it was fresh, and I didn’t try it with canned tomatoes. Actually, there are no friends for taste and color. It is called arched because it is apparently only suitable for the arch, strong growth of shoots, stable, beautiful appearance of bunches, a picture.

Alexander Shapovalov

Last year it ripened on 18 August. Among the crispy varieties, it is probably one of the best in taste, very sweet, with a sweet cherry flavor, the berry is rained on the bushes. I left it on the bush until the end of September and not a single berry burst. The only thing is that the bone is large. There was no peeling. Arched shows good disease resistance.

Sergey Dandyk

I have little experience of selling Arochny on the market, only three years, but it was the very first to diverge. Here people are accustomed to sour black grapes, vineyards are few ... and Arochny's acid leaves very well, and the sweetness and fruity flavor remain. They are happy when they manage to take it ...

Marina Protasova

Video: a specialist about the Arochny variety

Arched - grapes with an ambiguous characteristic. On the one hand, it looks great and often serves as a garden decoration. On the other hand, the use of its harvest is limited to processing, since fresh it can be called tasty only in the absence of berries of other, modern table varieties. It can be recommended for growing to those summer residents of the middle lane who have little free time to care for grape plants.

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