Beautiful sunrise of Zarya Nesvetaya with the aroma of nutmeg, rose and strawberry

New varieties of grapes that have appeared in recent years sometimes bear not everyone understands and intriguing names. People who are far from viticulture do not understand, for example, why some call the Talisman Cucumber, although it smells of nutmeg, not cucumbers. From the same cohort and the name Zarya Nesvetaya. If it's dawn, why doesn't it dawn?

What is Nesvetay

Zarya Nesvetaya is a hybrid form of grapes that has recently appeared on household plots and dachas. It was bred by the Novoshakhta amateur breeder Yevgeny Pavlovsky. The city of Novoshakhtinsk is located in the Rostov region, and it stands on the Maly Nesvetay river. Nearby there is the Bolshoi Nesvetay river and the Nesvetay village. So the grower gave his brainchild such an amazing name.

Evgeny Georgievich Pavlovsky

Originator of grapes Zarya Nesvetaya

To breed Zarya Nesvetaya, Evgeny Georgievich used well-known and beloved varieties as parental forms grape cardinal and the Talisman.

Zarya Nesvetaya with her parents - photo gallery

Dawn fell in love with winegrowers for its unpretentiousness and short ripening period. Lovers of eating sunny berries, this grape seduces with the beauty of the bunches, the juiciness of ripe berries and their extraordinary taste, in which you can taste nutmeg, rose and strawberries.

About Dawn Nesvetaya without lyrics

This table grape ripens on strong, fast-growing vines in 100-105 days. Young shoots ripen 80% of their length over the summer.

The flowers of Zarya Nesvetaya are bisexual, which guarantees excellent pollination, not even dependent on the weather. A consistently high agricultural background contributes to the better formation of flower brushes, there can be two or even three of them on the shoot.

The clusters of Zarya Nesvetaya are large, they usually weigh from 0.6 to 1 kilogram, but some can grow up to 2 kg.

The color of the Zarya berries is a transition from a cold red hue to blue and purple tones. The fruits have a regular oval shape close to a circle, and weigh from 10 to 12 grams.

The not very dense crunchy pulp of ripe grapes poured with juice has a delicate aroma of nutmeg, strawberry and pink shades are felt in the aftertaste. The berries are slightly tart, which makes their taste even more exquisite. The sweetness of the berries is moderate, they contain no more than 20% sugar. Tasters estimate the taste at 4.8–5 points. There are one or two bones inside the pulp.

The harvested crop can be safely transported over a considerable distance, while the berries do not fall off the brush and do not lose any of their qualities.

The bunches of Dawn Nesvetaya do not rot even with prolonged rains, and they can remain on the vines for a long time. The berries are not damaged by wasps, they are not rained. They stop being crispy, but they take in sugar, and nutmeg is felt a little less.

Winter frosts down to -23 ºС with this form of grapes are quite tolerable. No information has yet been found on Zarya's cover cultivation, but it is likely that these grapes will be able to withstand lower temperatures under cover.

The vines are highly immune to the ailments inherent in grapes.

Now there are still a few mature bushes of this grape, statistics on this hybrid form have not been accumulated.Many characteristics of Zarya Nesvetaya grapes continue to be studied and refined.

The Talisman grape is a frost-resistant early variety that has long earned recognition, although it has not yet turned thirty years old:

Revealed features of reproduction and care

There are no problems with the reproduction of this form of grapes. Saplings of Zarya Nesvetaya take root easily and delight with the first fruits already in the second or third year after planting. Preparing a planting pit and placing a plant in it is no different from this operation for other grape varieties.

Dawn begins to feed after the seedling enters the fruiting season. Its creator recommends using humus as a top dressing, as well as mulching the ground under the grapes. As mulch, you can use various organic materials - cut grass, sawdust, hay and others. This will protect the soil from drying out and compaction during irrigation and rain, will contribute to the development of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, and by rotting, it will replenish the stocks of nutrients necessary for grapes.

Growers also note that Zarya responds well to timely watering. Three of them are required:

  • before the kidneys open;
  • during flowering and the formation of ovaries;
  • during the ripening period of the crop.

Watering is stopped two weeks before harvesting.

Pros and cons of a hybrid

Not forgetting that the positive and negative qualities of any grape variety, without any practical experience of our own, we have to judge by the descriptions posted on the Internet, we select for comparison the types of grapes like Zarya. In terms of ripening and the description of the taste of the berries, Harmony and Superearly Red Muscat are similar to it. We compare their main indicators.

Zarya Nesvetaya in comparison with other varieties - table

Variety nameZarya NesvetayaHarmonyVery early red nutmeg
Appointmentdining roomdining roomdining room
Maturation100-105 days100-105 on sandy loam
105-110 on loam
95-100 days
Bunches600-1000 g500-900 g300-600 g
Berries11 g6 g4-5 g
Sugarup to 20%16–18%15–18%
Frost resistance-23 ºСinformation not found-23 ºС
Immunitytallmiddlemedium, resistant to gray mold

In terms of the size of bunches and berries, the amount of sugar in fruits and the strength of immunity to diseases, Zarya is the leader, not inferior to the other two varieties in terms of frost resistance. And only in terms of ripening it is slightly ahead of the Superearly Red Muscat. Based on this information, it is not difficult to make a choice in favor of Zarya.

Features of the cultivation and reproduction of various grape varieties:

Video: how Zarya Nesvetaya grapes grow in the Voronezh region

Winegrowers reviews

I would like to note from the novelties Zarya Nesvetaya, excellent Muscat, refreshing, memorable, does not go away when overripe and becomes even sweeter. A certain astringency is felt in the taste, but it does not spoil it, but gives an even more refined taste, reminiscent of good wine.


A very interesting form of grapes with an early ripening period at the beginning of August. The clusters are large and elegant, practically without peas. Berries are about 10-12 gr., Oval dark red. Here, the market form will clearly be on the face: flesh, firm with a crunch, with a flavor of nutmeg. The bunches are transportable. The form is fruitful, with good maturation of the vine to the very tips. Disease was not observed with standard treatment of the entire vineyard. I think that this grape can successfully replace GF Rochefort, which does not behave the same in some areas: peas are present. I would like this form not to disappoint in the future.

Fursa Irina Ivanovna

Zarya Nesvetaya was grafted on May 19 black in green on Muromets. The signaling was left, left 1/3 of the bunch. A couple of days ago, I saw a berry on a straw placed under a bunch. Having touched the bunch, a couple more berries fell. On September 1, the signaling is completely ready.The taste is very pleasant, with a light, refreshing nutmeg and crunchy flesh. Looking forward to a super early harvest next year.

Vitaly Kapinus

Zarya Nesvetaya - the form of grapes has not yet been sufficiently studied, but the gradually accumulating experience indicates that it is promising for cultivation in private and suburban areas for personal consumption and sale. In the future, it is possible that these grapes will be grown on farms.

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