How to grow snowdrops on a windowsill so that forest flowers delight at home

When snowdrops appear in the forest, I want to bring home a delicate spring bouquet, but the flower is listed in the Red Book. However, it is possible to grow forest flowers at home. So we will preserve nature, and we will get pleasure.



If the origin of the planting material is unknown, treatment with fungicides for disinfection is mandatory. Choose bulbs for planting whole, firm and dense, check them for mold or growth. Do not store the bulbs for a long time, plant them right away, they cannot lie for a long time.


Most types of potting soil are suitable for planting snowdrops, you can use a special fibrous substrate for bulbs. The soil mixture must be clayey. Check the bottoms of the planting containers to make sure they have drainage holes.

In a container or a wide pot (at least 13 cm in diameter), you can create a colorful arrangement by planting the bulbs in groups of 5-10 pcs. Deepen each onion 5-7 cm with the pointed end up.

Early blooming crocuses can be companions for snowdrops. Use them to fill the empty space in the container.


After planting, place the pot in a dark, cool place for 2 months. Then move it where natural light will suffice, but remember that the snowdrop does not tolerate heat well. During the entire growing season and flowering, the air temperature should not exceed + 10 ° C.


Water the plants liberally after planting. This will help the soil settle around the bulb, creating a favorable environment for it. Then water moderately 2 times a week before transferring the snowdrops to light.

Spraying is unacceptable, only root watering is desirable. Waterlogging is harmful to bulbous plants, excess moisture can cause decay, and room ventilation will be beneficial.


From the moment the shoots appear and until the leaves die off, the snowdrop needs feeding. Apply a solution of garden water-soluble fertilizer once every 2 weeks.

Post-flowering care

After flowering, carefully cut off the dried flowers. Once the leaves are completely withered and yellow, you can remove them from the plant. This will help keep the plants healthy.

After that, you can plant flowers in open ground. They say that snowdrops do not bloom a second time in a pot, but everyone has the right to experiment.

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