
Growing orchids in pots: features and photos of flowers
Orchids are flowers that are extremely beautiful, but very demanding in terms of maintenance. This is especially true for orchids in pots, which many people like to grow at home. However, even a pot for orchids needs to be chosen correctly so that they delight you with their flowering. Today we will tell you what pots should be for these flowers and how to properly care for them at home. You will also see photos of orchids grown on balconies or window sills in flowerpots.Orchid in a pot
Types of Dendrobium orchids: photos, names and care features
Dendrobium Orchid is a small epiphyte with unusual flowers that cover the entire cylindrical stem of the plant. In nature, orchids of this species grow on trees, ground or rocks. This justifies the name of the plant, which in translation means "living on a tree." Breeders have developed hybrid forms of dendrobiums that grow and bloom well at home. Observing the simple conditions for their cultivation, you can achieve long and abundant flowering.All about the Dendrobium orchid
Dendrobium care at home: tips, photos
Having gained some experience in growing ornamental crops, many growers at a certain point set themselves the goal of growing an orchid on their site. And many are not afraid that it will not be so easy to do this. This plant is distinguished by a large species diversity, and among them there are not so many varieties that can grow well in indoor conditions. One of the most famous is the dendrobium orchid.How to care for dendrobium
Care and reproduction of orchids at home, photo of flowers
The indoor orchid has long ceased to be a rarity. But many housewives have not learned how to care for a capricious plant. Meanwhile, proper care is the key to a long and abundant flowering of an exotic beauty at home. Wild orchids are significantly different from domesticated sisters. They do not need care, but trunks and branches of trees or stones, in the cracks of which moist humus accumulates, can serve as a support.How to care for an orchid
Reproduction of the phalaenopsis orchid at home
It is widely believed that only specialists can grow an orchid at home. However, this is a delusion, because even a beginner can cope with this task. But first, you have to get some knowledge about the characteristics of the plant, which is planned to be grown indoors. You should find out what species the plant belongs to, what are the features of care, and also what methods of its propagation exist. The last point deserves special attention. Indeed, today there are many ways to reproduce orchids, and each of them has its own differences.How to propagate orchids