
How do orchids reproduce at home?
Among all the flowers that man has "tamed" over the centuries, orchids occupy a special place. These plants have a special beauty that attracts many beauty lovers. But sooner or later each grower has a question - how to propagate an orchid at home? What difficulties and nuances are there along the way?How to propagate an orchid
Types of indoor orchid varieties with names
Anyone who has noticed a uniquely beautiful orchid will undoubtedly stop to admire it, being blinded by the beauty of this flower. There are about 750 species of them, and about 30,000 hybrid models. And all of them, without exception, have their own characteristics. Plants are known for their gracefulness all over the world. They are attracted by the hot atmosphere with its significant dampness and temperature changes. Orchid species
Blue and blue orchids: beauty from nature or human intervention
Blue orchids are striking in their beauty and rare, unusual color of petals. These flowers have appeared in flower shops relatively recently, but have already gained popularity. However, not all buyers know what the secret of the amazing color of these plants is. Where did blue orchids come from?
Phalaenopsis orchid diseases and methods of their treatment with photos
The orchid is a beautiful and amazing flower that appeared 120 million years ago, while it reached its peak of popularity only 3 thousand years ago. The homeland of this flower is China and Japan. This plant was brought to Europe for the first time about 2 centuries ago, and today there are over 40 thousand varieties of orchids. With the help of scientists and breeders, today it is possible to grow an orchid at home.What to do with orchid disease
How to reanimate an orchid if its roots are rotten?
If you decide to start a home plant like Phalaenopsis, then you should be prepared for some problems with it, which not every grower can prevent. Home orchids are tropical flowers, so they prefer a humid and warm climate; it is quite difficult to reproduce such conditions at home without special greenhouses for plants. Therefore, many indoor plant lovers often have to deal with such a problem as root rot.Orchid resuscitation