Planting, breeding and caring for bamboo at home, photo
The houseplant bamboo is not a relative of bamboo, which grows in the wild. You can even see this in the photo. Bamboo, which grows in nature, is considered a herb, but it grows to an enormous height, about 40 meters. At home, we grow a variety of the famous flower - Dracaena (Dracaena Sander).All about homemade bamboo
Houseplants that bring love and family happiness to the house
Most people believe that indoor plants in pots bring nothing but aesthetic pleasure. But amateur gardeners argue that this is not entirely true. A home flower can become a real talisman for a family and fill the house with happiness. This article has compiled a rating of the seven most popular flowers that give family happiness and bring love.Mascot plants
How to propagate a Decembrist flower at home
Many experienced florists say that in winter, indoor plants are at rest, but this is not always the case, and especially if we talk about a flower like the Decembrist. This flower has many names - zygocactus, Rozhdestvennik, crayfish neck, Barbarian braid. The Decembrist received all his names for a reason, because his first flowers bloom on December 17. The plant does not require special care, and besides, it is very easy to propagate by cuttings.Learning to propagate the Decembrist
How to grow geraniums at home from seeds
At home, you can grow absolutely any, even the most exotic types of flowers from seeds that cannot grow on their own in our latitudes. However, this will require a lot of effort, especially in the first stage, which includes getting the first shoots. But geranium is quite easy to grow from seeds and does not require any special care for the plant in the future.How to grow pelargonium from seeds
Indoor fern: varieties, photos, home care
The oldest plants, ferns, were grown in greenhouses as early as the Victorian era. And until now, these amazing openwork shrubs are very popular. Homes and apartments are decorated with home ferns. Plants of impressive size are planted in offices, hotels and various institutions.Indoor fern maintenance