Ivan da Marya - a flower surrounded by folk legends

Since ancient times, the blue and yellow inflorescences of Ivan da Marya have symbolized loyalty. One of the widespread legends says that two lovers only after the wedding found out about the blood relationship between them. And in order not to betray each other, they turned into beautiful flowers that are difficult to confuse with any other plants.

Flower description

Ivan da Marya - annual herb, grows up to half a meter in height. The root system has specific suction cups, thanks to which the flower attaches to other vegetation and lives with its juices. The erect stem, covered with white hairs, is characterized by branching. Ovate-lanceolate leaves are distinguished by long-pointed forms.

Each yellow flower is additionally decorated with a bracts of blue, purple, crimson or bright purple color. At the end of the flowering period, which lasts throughout the summer, egg-shaped fruits are formed. In the future, the oblong seeds contained in the boxes serve as food for forest dwellers.

Other flower names

Everyone understands that the name in honor of the lovers Ivan and Marya refers to the folk. In addition, you can hear many other names: Ivan's grass, jaundice, well-aimed grass, yellowberry, meadow bell. In the scientific literature, an annual plant is found as an oak tree.

Growth area and "character" of the plant

Mostly Ivan da Maryu can be found in meadows, glades and forest edges of the European continent. The plant partly survives thanks to water, soil, sun and carbon dioxide, and receives part of its energy from other grasses and flowers, sucking rhizomes to neighboring vegetation. In this regard, the oak bark is a semi-parasite with a mixed diet.

Collection and healing properties of herbs

Properties of the flower Ivan da Marya.As a remedy use the entire aerial part ivan da marya: stems, leaves, flowers, fruits. Harvesting begins in late spring and ends in September. Initially, the collected material is dried in a well-ventilated area, then stored separately from other herbs. It is also worth remembering that the oak tree loses its qualities very quickly and is suitable for use with benefit during the first ten months.

In medicine, the herb is used as a wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent. The prepared broth of ivan-da-marya is used for heart and stomach diseases. The addition of a medicinal plant to the bath helps to get rid of rheumatism, eczema and skin tuberculosis.

Effective flower recipes:

  1. A decoction on the basis of oak woodworm will help get rid of skin rashes, scabies or scrofula. For preparation per liter of boiled water, dilute 3 tbsp. spoons of medicinal herbs. After two hours, the infusion is filtered and added to the bathroom or used for local rubbing.
  2. For the treatment of hypertension, heart disease, to get rid of frequent dizziness and epileptic seizures, the concentration of the ingredients changes. In this case, 1 tbsp. l. ivan-da-marya is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for about half an hour and filtered. For effective treatment, the broth is consumed twice a day, half a glass.
  3. The crushed young plant, as well as the ivan-da-marya powder, promotes rapid wound healing.

Contraindications for use

Faced with the need to use ivan da maria in treatment, always it is important to remember the toxic qualities of the herb... This primarily concerns oral administration. Aucubin (glucoside rhinantin), contained in the seeds of the oak tree, has an irritating effect on the body, which is most often expressed by feelings of weakness, decreased cardiac activity, constant drowsiness. If these symptoms appear after using drugs based on ivan-da-Marya, be sure to consult a doctor.

Indoor variety of Ivan da Marya

Mariannik oak is a representative of wild vegetation, although this does not prevent avid flower growers from calling other types of indoor plants by the names of Ivan and Marya. One of these varieties is tuberous begonia, also called campanula or "bride and groom". Home flower differs in many ways from its

  • Types of flower Ivan da Marya.appearance. Tuberous begonia blooms almost all year round, in this regard, it will act as a decoration for any type of interior. The plant is represented by two types of flowers: double, similar to rosebuds, and ordinary, consisting of 4-5 petals;
  • treat perennial vegetation;
  • reproduces not only by seeds, but also by cuttings.

In its natural form, ivan da marya is perfect for decoration of border compositionsmade of stone or boulders. But given the fact of a semi-parasite, not many people dare to leave the oak tree in their backyard plots.

Ivan da Marya
How Ivan da Marya blooms.Rules for caring for a flower Ivan da Marya.How to grow a flower Ivan da Marya.How long Ivan da Marya blooms.The history of the flower Ivan da Marya.Ivan da Marya.In what areas does Ivan da Marya bloom?Characteristic features of the Ivan da Marya flower.How long Ivan da Marya blooms.What is the peculiarity of the Ivan da Marya flower.Ivan da Marya flower cutawayWildflower Ivan da Marya.

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