Medicinal plants

Undeservedly forgotten oregano: your personal aromatic healer!

This plant with small flowers looks unassuming that you will not always notice it among the variety of herbs in the Russian open spaces. However, the "shy" is a natural treasure. They knew about the medicinal properties of oregano even in Ancient Greece: healers prepared decoctions from it, tinctures, and used it as compresses against skin inflammations.

White mistletoe - salvation for hypertensive patients!

White mistletoe is an evergreen shrub of the mistletoe family. This poisonous plant is prized for its medicinal properties and is widely used in traditional medicine recipes. Medicines based on mistletoe are most often used in the treatment of hypertension and cancer.

The healing power of bearberry: bear ears against all ailments!

Bearberry, or bear ears, has long been used by the people as a medicinal herb that can cope with many diseases. The medicinal properties of the plant make it possible to use it in various areas of modern medicine.

The healing power of larkspur: leader in healing properties!
larkspur grass

Larkspur (in lat. Symphytum officinale), or comfrey, has been known since ancient times as a medicinal plant. It is endowed with many medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and restorative. Field larkspur is especially popular in folk medicine.

Dioscorea Caucasian - the root of longevity for maintaining youth and good health
Dioscorea Caucasian

Dioscorea Caucasian - a plant of the Dioscorea family. It is found mainly in the Caucasus and is endangered. Even ancient healers knew about the healing properties of Dioscorea and actively used it for the preparation of medicines. The roots of the plant are widely used to treat many diseases to this day.