
12 tips for growing healthy and robust cabbage seedlings
White cabbage is a tasty and healthy vegetable that is popular with Russian summer residents. To get a rich harvest, you must first grow healthy seedlings in your home. Useful tips will help you with this. Read more
How to plant cabbage for seedlings: sowing seeds and caring for seedlings

Cabbage is a favorite vegetable on our table. The variety of varieties allows you to include vitamin dishes with cabbage on the menu all year round. However, environmentally friendly products can be obtained only from your own garden, knowing the technology of growing this vegetable crop. Cabbage yield largely depends on the quality of the seedlings.

Brussels sprouts: varieties for outdoor cultivation, planting and care

Brussels sprouts are a crop that contains a large amount of mineral salts, proteins and vitamins. It tastes more delicate than white, so it is used in dietary meals for making soups and side dishes. This valuable and useful culture can be grown in a summer cottage.

Amazing pak choy cabbage: description, varieties, planting, features of growing and storage of crops

Pak-choi cabbage is traditional for China, it has been cultivated in this country for thousands of years. Recently, exotic culture has been gaining a well-deserved place on our tables. Its cultivation is not difficult, the pack-choi is early ripening and undemanding to soil fertility, while it has a good taste. The white fleshy petioles resemble asparagus or chard, while the green leaves are similar to spinach.

How to grow Chinese cabbage on a windowsill: varieties, planting, picking and care features
Chinese cabbage

Peking cabbage appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but has ceased to be exotic. Adherents of a healthy diet are happy to include it in their diet. In terms of composition, Peking cabbage is in no way inferior to white cabbage, it contains a large amount of proteins, a whole set of vitamins and mineral salts. No wonder in the Celestial Empire it is considered a source of longevity. The main advantage of a vegetable is the ability to maintain its beneficial properties throughout the winter. Peking cabbage is delicious in any form: pickled, sauerkraut, salted and, of course, as part of vegetable salads. Delicate green leaves add spice and sophistication to each dish. It is especially indispensable in winter and early spring, when the human body is so in need of fresh greenery. This annual vegetable crop has a short growing season of no more than 2 months and can be grown all year round.