Features of daffodil, pictures and photos of a flower

Narcissus belongs to the amaryllis family and is a monocotyledonous plant. The peculiarities of the daffodil include the presence of a bulb and ribbon-like leaves of different widths. The stems are covered with a filmy wrap and have no leaves. Flowers are located at the ends of the stem.

There can be several or one flowers. The petal-shaped perianth is similar to a tubular funnel, turning into a straightened limb. Previously, narcissus was used in perfumery, as it has an intoxicating sweet smell... The narcissus flower, photos of which are placed in our gallery, is well distributed in Europe. Most often it is grown in Mediterranean countries. Certain varieties of narcissus are grown in Japan, Asia and China.

Narcissus species

It counts about 60 varieties of wild growing narcissus... Pictures of the narcissist and his photos give an idea of ​​each of them. And thanks to the breeding of many varieties and hybrids in the world, there are about 35 thousand species of this flower. The most common and demanded are:

  • Small-crowned. This species is very similar to wild natural varieties. The flowers of this variety are very small.
  • Large-crowned. This species is characterized by the special size of the flower and bract. The third part of the perianth is occupied by short crowns. The color of this daffodil can be varied. Picture:
  • Tubular. This variety has large, single flowers with a bell-shaped crown with a long tube. The flowers are white and yellow, rarely two-colored.
  • Triandrus. This variety is a multi-flowered variety that was bred using the three-stalked daffodil. The color is white and yellow.
  • Terry. This variety has several varieties. Flowers can be with a double perianth or with a double crown or tube, they can also be with additional perianth lobes. This variety has several flowers on one peduncle.
  • Jonquillium. The stems are covered with small flowers that have a strong odor. Refers to the decorative types of daffodil.
  • Cyclamenous. A feature of this species are single drooping flowers. They have bent perianth lobes and are equipped with a narrow tube for their length.
  • Multi-flowered. This variety differs in that it can have more than 8 flowers.


Enarcissus bloomsDaffodils are perennial plants. They tolerate shade well, but love light very much... These flowers are unpretentious and do not take much time and effort to plant. Flowers grow well in normal garden soil at moderate humidity. The most suitable place for planting is loamy soils with medium shade. A month before planting, sand, peat and fertilizers must be added to the soil.

The best time for planting is the end of September. This allows the bulbs to take root before the first frost. If this is a bulb from grown daffodils, then you need to dig up the bulbs, separate the children from them and plant immediately. Also, the plant can be grown and at home in a pot... Before planting, it is necessary to treat the bulb with a disinfecting solution. Nutritious and light soil is added to the pot. The best temperature for flower growth is 20 degrees.The daffodil does not need a transplant for several years; it is recommended to grow it in one place for 6 seasons.

The area where the daffodils will land for the first time must be dug up in June 30-35 cm deep. At the same time, humus is added to the soil, and 15-20 before planting the bulbs, the soil is fertilized with superphosphate and potassium salt.

Daffodil bulbs planted 12-15 cm deep... This depth provides uniform moisture and protects the bulb from overheating and freezing.

The bulbs are dug out 2 months after flowering ends. When the bush begins to decay, the leaves will fall and their tips will turn yellow. This period usually falls in July. If the bulbs are not dug out in time, then the leaves will die off and it will be difficult to determine their exact location, which is fraught with damage to the bulbs themselves. The bulbs must be dried and ventilated, then the children can be easily separated. Picture


Narcissus graceful flowerIn personal care, a flower requires special attention. In one season, the plant needs fertilize three times... After the first shoots appear, you need to do the first top dressing, during the budding period - the second top dressing. The third dressing will correspond to the flowering stage. After flowering, the daffodil no longer needs feeding.

Bulbs for propagation and wintering should be left only of high quality and healthy. They should be large and firm... Their scales are yellow or white. If they flake off, this may indicate the presence of various fungal diseases.

Narcissus blooms for a long period from April to June. In areas that are characterized by severe winters, flowers must be covered before the onset of frost.

Daffodils, like other plant species, can be exposed to various diseases and pest attacks... The plant can be subject to diseases such as:

  • fusarium;
  • sclerocial rot;
  • nematode bulbous, stem and root.

The plant can be attacked by bulbous and daffodil flies, as well as thrips.

Beautiful daffodils
Ways to grow daffodilsPlanting and caring for daffodilsGarden flower daffodilDiseases of narcissistsDaffodil flowerYellow daffodil flowerWhen to plant daffodilsGermination daffodilNarcissus appearanceHow to grow daffodilsPlanting and caring for daffodilsDaffodil varietyDescription of the plant narcissusWhat colors are daffodilsDaffodil careWhen daffodils bloomGrowing daffodilsVarieties and types of daffodils

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