Garden plants

Felicia: a vibrant South African touch in your garden

Beautiful flowers that can form the basis of landscape design do not have to be tall, voluminous and bright. Sometimes unassuming, humble plants can be as pleasing to the eye as exquisite ornamental crops. These fully include felicia, which we often consider just a kind of traditionally Russian chamomile flower, on the petals of which it is customary to conduct love fortune-telling.

Ivy budra - ornamental ground covering grass in the garden and at home

Budra is a herbaceous perennial from the Yasnotkov family. In nature, it can be found everywhere, since the plant is considered a weed and grows intensively on its own. People call this herb "catnip" because of the peculiar aroma that attracts cats so much. Ivy buddha is grown for decoration in personal plots as a soil broker, which is due to its attractive pale purple flowers. In addition, the plant has practical benefits: it is a honey plant, used for medicinal purposes.

Rhodochiton: landscape decoration

Recently, household plots and even summer cottages are increasingly used in Russia not only for household and horticultural purposes, but also for landscape design. For these purposes, special crops are selected that have their own decorative characteristics. And each such plant has its own cultivation characteristics. Rhodochiton also belongs to such living decorations of the local area.

Tekoma is a bright accent in your garden!

Tekoma is a graceful perennial vine native to China and North America. Gardeners actively use it in vertical gardening of plots, as the flower looks very nice.

Albizia is an exotic tree that can be grown in our gardens
Blooming albitsia

Lankaran acacia, also called albicia, is a tall deciduous tree from the legume family. It amazes with its gigantic size and unique silky inflorescences that exude a honey aroma. In its beauty during flowering, it can only be compared with sakura.