Garden plants
Japanese medlar is a subtropical plant. The homeland of this small evergreen tree is Southeast Asia, but it can often be found on the territory of the Russian Federation, in regions with a warm climate: in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in Sochi, in Yalta. Delicious jams and compotes are made from medlar, and a filling for sweets is made from it. Also, this plant is often used in landscape design to decorate space.
Among the traditional for Russian gardens and summer cottages of apple trees, pears and other fruit and berry crops, loquat appears more and more often. The plant is also known as ezgil, the cup tree. The presence of several forms and varieties of this culture, reacting differently to weather characteristics, allows gardeners to get a tasty harvest not only in the southern regions, but also in more severe climatic zones - of course, provided that all agrotechnical nuances are observed.