
Victoria grapes: good for beginners

The table grape variety Victoria is one of those that can be safely recommended for growing to beginners. This very frost-resistant variety is planted even in central Russia, in the Urals and Siberia. Victoria berries are delicious and beautiful, and large clusters serve as a decoration of the vineyard. Victoria's crops are stable even with not very careful care of the bushes and unfavorable weather conditions.

How to process grapes for different problems: black magic or art?

In order for the grapes to grow healthy, you will have to dance with the sprayer around them quite often. Knowledge in the field of chemical and biological "weapons" against diseases and pests, coupled with meticulous treatments will help preserve the grapes.

Breeding methods for remontant raspberries all year round

Among gardeners, the debate about which raspberry is better: regular or remontant raspberry does not subside. Undoubtedly, both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The main methods of reproduction of remontant raspberries are the same as the usual ones, but their implementation has its own characteristics.

Features of the cultivation and reproduction of various grape varieties

Grapes can be grown wherever there is plenty of sun and moisture. The most favorable conditions for him are in the countries of the Mediterranean and Black Sea basin, in the Caucasus, the Balkans, in southern Africa and Central Asia. However, thanks to the efforts of breeders, a huge variety of varieties have been bred that grow and bear fruit well in various climatic conditions.

We plant black currants: when and how it should be done

Black currant is a representative of berry bushes, one of the first to appear on the new garden plot. A relatively unpretentious plant, after a couple of years it brings full harvests of berries with a huge content of vitamins. Planting ready-made blackcurrant seedlings is quite simple, but must be done according to all the rules.