
Transplanting currants to a new place: a step-by-step description
Currant bush

Currant is a frequent visitor to summer cottages. Sometimes it happens that the place where it is planted is not the best. There are other reasons why you need to transplant an adult bush. It is not difficult to do this, but you need to choose the right time, place and carry out the operation itself.

Sowing strawberries for seedlings with seeds, preparation and sowing methods

Traditionally, garden strawberries are propagated by rooted rosettes and bush division. But in cases of growing mustacheless varieties, the optimal breeding method is to grow seedlings from seeds. This is not a very simple matter - there are certain nuances and subtleties in it, without which plants cannot be obtained. Let's take a closer look at the rules and methods of sowing strawberry seeds.

How to grow delicious strawberries at home, varieties and tips

On the balcony or windowsill, strawberries are not grown for large yields. Rather, it is just a hobby akin to home floriculture. But even in such cramped conditions, with a competent approach and the use of modern technologies, you can get a decent result. We will help the gardener choose the best strawberry variety and method of growing it, which are most suitable for his premises.

Fertilizing for currants in spring, summer and autumn

Currants are rich in vitamins, tasty and healthy, so gardeners often plant them on their plots. But sometimes they forget that in order to get a powerful harvest, it needs to be fed and watered.

Lydia grapes: an old technical grape going down in history

Fewer and fewer summer residents are planting good old Lydia grapes on their land. It was replaced by new varieties, bearing much more delicious berries, giving a large harvest and at the same time being no less winter-hardy and unpretentious. Lydia remains in the gardens of her ardent adherents and lovers of wine with a specific aroma. Let's try to say a few words in her defense.