
From hippies to aristocrats or how to correctly cut viburnum

Few people remain indifferent to viburnum. Poets, writers, artists, musicians confess love to her. And this is understandable. After all, the viburnum bush can be admired all year round. In spring it is flawlessly white due to its lush color. In summer - luscious green, spreading, alluring. In autumn, they attract magic umbrellas filled with scarlet berries. And in winter, the fruits left on the branches, like small sparks, shine with ruby ​​light.

Zilga means bluish: about the grape variety and planting features

The vine is getting closer and closer to the North Pole. Through the efforts of breeders, new hybrid forms appear that are not afraid of severe frosts. They are now grown in the Baltics, Canada, Sweden, Norway and in our suburbs, the St. Petersburg region, Siberia. One of these varieties is Zilga.

How to choose and plant currant seedlings

Currants are rightfully called the queen of the garden. It is popular and loved by many gardeners for its unpretentiousness, early maturity, and resistance to the vagaries of the weather. But the available variety does not always suit the owners with its taste and ripening times. In this case, the fastest and most reliable way to update currant plantings, increase their yield, extend the harvest time of valuable and useful berries is to plant currant seedlings of the species and varieties that suit you.

Blackberry propagation by cuttings: an overview of the best methods and recommendations

Not so long ago, blackberries were considered a forest plant, but now they are a very frequent visitor in gardens. Many varieties of this delicious black berry have been developed, including thornless ones. Reproduction of blackberries resembles the reproduction of many similar shrubs, and cuttings stand out among the known methods.

Lily of the valley sweet, Lily of the valley tender: description of a young grape variety

The word "lily of the valley" is associated with spring warmth, beauty, wonderful aroma. This name is not only the flower, but also the grape variety for which it suits perfectly. You can make sure of this by reading its characteristics.