
Hawthorn in your garden: description and care recommendations

Hawthorn is a common plant widely used in landscape design. It also has many health benefits, so gardeners who grow it in their backyards can kill two birds with one stone. The plant is unpretentious, it is very difficult to ruin it. Growing hawthorn is within the power of even a novice gardener.

Rizamat grapes: characteristics of the variety and cultivation features

Thanks to the achievements of breeders, gardeners have the opportunity to choose from a huge number of resistant varieties and hybrids of grapes exactly the one that suits the climatic conditions and will suit their taste. New grape forms are pushing into the background varieties that were previously bred, which are less resistant to disease and frost. Many people consider Rizamat grapes to be such a forgotten exhibit, calling it “yesterday's day of viticulture”. But is it worth neglecting the classics? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

Gooseberry Kolobok - representative of thornless varieties
Gooseberry gingerbread man

Everyone knows that gooseberries are a prickly berry, and this fact is often the main reason that the summer resident does not plant it on his site. But it turns out that this is not a problem: there are, although relatively rare, varieties of gooseberries, practically devoid of thorns, the berries of which are not difficult to pick. One of the representatives of such gooseberry varieties is Kolobok, known for more than forty years.

Super early grape variety Rumba: a good option for Central Russia

Rumba grapes are a fairly young variety of very early ripening period, characterized by unpretentious care and excellent commercial properties of berries. Due to its frost resistance, it is suitable for central Russia, it is equally in demand both in private gardens and in industrial viticulture.

Strawberries on your site: difficult to care for, but joyful to pick
garden strawberry

Strawberries (garden strawberries) are a favorite berry that grows in almost every summer cottage. After all, it ripens quite early, when we are not yet satiated with vitamins, we still really want something tasty. Juicy, elegant, right from the garden - delicious! But it requires a lot of work. Let's look at what needs to be done to make strawberry plantations delight us, and the harvest from them - our children and grandchildren.