
Libya grapes - one of the best varieties of very early ripening

Libya grapes are one of the most popular table grape varieties of Ukrainian selection. It is in high demand both among winegrowers and among berry lovers in the markets. Its shortcomings are overlapped by undoubted advantages, including ultra-early ripening, beautiful and tasty fruits, good yield.

About blueberry forte, which has nothing to do with blueberries

Blueberry forte, Canadian blueberry, garden nightshade, raven are the unofficial names for the sunberry plant, which means sun berry. This plant has nothing to do with the well-known medical preparation, and it also has nothing to do with ordinary blueberries. In Europe, the culture is little known, but those who tried to grow it, appreciated the medicinal and dietary properties of the plant.

How and how to feed grapes at their summer cottage: recommendations for fertilization

Gone are the days when grapes were considered a southern berry: now, in the summer cottages of most regions of the country, you can often find several bushes of this useful plant. A high yield of grapes can be obtained only with careful care, one of the components of which is the mandatory application of fertilizers. And then success is assured: the most delicious appetizing bunches will not be translated on your table!

Reproduction of raspberries by cuttings in spring, summer and autumn

Before talking about raspberry cuttings, you should define the meaning of the word "cutting". According to S. Ozhegov's dictionary, this is "a small piece of shoot with buds from a fruit tree or bush, used for grafting or planting." As you know, a shovel also has its own stalk, and if it ever blooms, then we can talk about a miracle. In the meantime, only about raspberry cuttings.

Grape varieties Russian early and Russian violet: brothers, but not twins

Among the many varieties of grapes that exist today, there are several, in the names of which the word "Russian" is used. These are Russian early, Russian violet, just Russian, Russian amber and Russian Concord. They have been known to winegrowers for a long time, they are confidently called varieties, but of which only Russian amber has been tested by the State Variety Commission since 1987 and in 2004 was included in the City Register with the recommendation to grow it in the central Black Earth Region. Therefore, it can rightfully be called a variety, the rest should officially be called hybrid forms. We are interested in the first 2 of the named grapes - Russian early and Russian violet.