
Growing dogwood in the Moscow region: what kind of plant it is, how it is planted, how it is looked after and what varieties exist

Cornel, of course, is a southern plant, but it turned out that it grows well in the middle zone of our country. Summer residents near Moscow are afraid to plant dogwood in the plots, but this is temporary: after all, those who took the risk and received good results can already begin to envy. This cold-resistant tree lives for a long time, it is picky about the conditions, and with the right selection of the variety, it gives good yields of vitamin berries.

Glen Ample is a commercial raspberry from Scotland

Glen Ample is a raspberry that is planted in hundreds and even hectares. The variety is suitable for both personal and industrial cultivation. His berries have an excellent presentation, do not crumple, and there are no thorns on the shoots!

Garden blueberries: variety selection and growing recommendations
garden blueberry

Many in childhood picked blueberries in the forest. But now these berries can be grown in the garden, because they are not only very tasty, but also extremely useful for health. Breeders have bred many varieties of garden blueberries, most of which are frost-resistant. This allows them to be cultivated practically throughout Russia. Garden blueberries are quite demanding on growing conditions, but caring for them is not too difficult. If you first read the recommendations and rules, even an inexperienced gardener can get a bountiful harvest.

How to feed garden strawberries: a menu for the "queen" of the garden

Strawberries are the queen of every vegetable garden. For this berry, I have the most spacious beds, free time and an open wallet. The main reason is children! We will not have time to arrive at the dacha, they are already near the strawberries. The first berries disappear in pink color, so the guys can't wait to eat their beloved "Victoria". And in winter, jam and freezing from it "leave" in the first place. Therefore, we have love with strawberries! And loved ones want to better feed and use. What to feed the "queen" so that she generously rewards with the harvest? Strawberries need a rich and balanced menu!

Cutting grapes - how to quickly and inexpensively update your garden

Every gardener who has a vineyard on his site sooner or later has to renew, replace or expand the number of available vines. There are several ways to accomplish these tasks. One of them is the propagation of grapes using cuttings.