
Long-awaited grapes: very early variety for most regions

The grapes of the Long-awaited variety contain almost no seeds, therefore it is sometimes called a raisin variety. But the Long-awaited one differs from traditional raisins in very large fruits. This grape, fully consistent with its name, is a true find both for professionals and for ordinary summer residents in most climatic regions.

Features of Moldova grapes: description of the variety and nuances of agricultural technology

Moldova grapes are suitable for cultivation only in the south: in the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, Crimea, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions and other regions with hot and long summers. The variety is very fruitful, the berries have a harmonious taste, are good fresh and as raw materials for winemaking. Moldova can not be called capricious, rather, it is a workhorse, but there are peculiarities of cultivation, and significant ones.

Everything about rose hips in your garden: features of growing rose hips on the street and at home

Rosehip has many species and is distributed everywhere in Russia: in forests, ravines, it also likes to settle in floodplains of rivers, where it forms shrub thickets. It is valued for the high content of vitamin C in fruits, thanks to which it is widely used in medicine. In gardens, this culture is still rare, but recently it is gaining popularity. Many varieties of this useful and beautiful plant have been bred.

"Fur coat" for grapes: preparing a shelter for the winter
Covered grapes

Grape is originally a southern plant. But an increasing number of gardeners from cold regions are eager to grow his sweet berries. Due to the frosty winters, sharp temperature changes in the spring, there is a need for a shelter for the wine-city. Even in spite of the appearance of non-covering sorts, most need to be covered for the winter.

Strawberry varieties and hybrids - from popular to exotic

Everyone wants to have a large, sweet berry at the dacha so that it ripens continuously from May to early October. Such varieties and hybrids exist.