
Gooseberries: breeding methods and their effectiveness

Gooseberries, which have become permanent inhabitants of private plots, like any other culture, require care. The importance of adequate watering, timely weeding and loosening of the soil, and proper fertilization is essential. But when planting gooseberries, it is worth remembering that over time, there may be a need for reproduction of this shrub.

Grape breeding methods, their features and tricks from experienced winegrowers

The traditional ways of creating a vineyard are planting seedlings, propagation by layers and cuttings. It turns out that even grape seeds can be used for this purpose, although this is associated with great trouble and is considered a risky business.

How to plant strawberries in the spring: basic rules and tips

Strawberries are a popular berry that can be found in any garden area, and many gardeners prefer to plant them in the spring. As you know, proper planting affects the further development and health of the plant, and strawberries are no exception. Like any other culture, it has its own characteristics regarding the preparation of planting material and the places that you need to familiarize yourself with in order to successfully complete all the work and get the desired result.

How and what to fertilize blueberries, how to acidify the soil correctly
garden blueberry

Blueberries grow in the wild where humans do not live - in swamps, peat bogs, etc. It is not an easy task to create suitable conditions for it. When growing, it is necessary to constantly monitor and maintain the right amount of vital elements, a certain soil acidity. Only a trained gardener can do this. You can learn about feeding blueberries with various fertilizers from the article.

Straseni - matte black grape variety with delicate pulp

A country idyll is presented in the form of delicate clusters of grapes hanging from a dense leafy canopy. Moreover, the bunches can be of a wide variety of shades. For example, the Strashensky grape belongs to varieties with almost black, as if dull from a wax coating, berries.