
Irga: description of varieties and varieties popular with gardeners

Irga is an unpretentious ornamental plant that yields a harvest of healthy berries. She also has other advantages. However, in the garden plots of Russians, it is less common than one might expect. Often they try to grow exotic crops in the gardens, for which the Russian climate is completely unusual. Irga, on the other hand, perfectly tolerates severe winters. It is popular with breeders who are breeding new hybrids to improve performance, size and flavor.

Disease and pest control in the vineyard: when you need chemistry

Grapes are now planted not only in the south, it has long been no wonder in the middle lane and even in the north. It is necessary to take care of him constantly; if grown improperly, he easily becomes ill or is exposed to pests. One of the measures to prevent these troubles is the timely treatment with chemicals.

Features of the Tukai variety: how to plant and grow early ripe dessert grapes

Not only in the south, but also in Central Russia, Siberia, the Urals and other regions located in the zones of risky farming, gardeners are interested in growing ultra-early ripening grape varieties, which already in the middle of summer "ruddy side, fragrant juice" ask for a table ... One of these early hybrids is the Tukay dessert grape.

Unusual gumi berry, cultivation features, including in different regions

Gumi, or multiflorous oak, is a shrub with fragrant flowers, tasty and healthy berries, undemanding to care for. It is surprising that such a culture is not popular and even unknown to many gardeners. But many varieties have been bred that grow well in all regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

A modern assortment of raspberry varieties: how to choose the best, characteristics, photos

Raspberries have been actively cultivated since the 16th century. The world leader in the cultivation of raspberries, Russia, supplies the market with over 200 tons of berries per year. It is not surprising that such a popular and demanded culture is actively selected. Today in nurseries you can find hundreds of varieties, each of which has certain advantages over others.