
Kuzmin's news - sweet and perfumed raspberries from childhood

Kuzmin's news will appeal to those who are sure that earlier the grass was greener and raspberries are sweeter. Indeed, this variety gives a berry, which we ate in childhood with our grandmother: fragrant, with a multifaceted sweet taste. Many modern hybrids and remontant varieties have already lost these qualities.

Lambada strawberries - sweet and early variety for dense plantings

Lambada is a Dutch variety for gourmets who adhere to the principle of less is more. This garden strawberry is famous not for its productivity, but for its taste. The berries are aromatic, sweet, even underripe, tastier than many varieties in full maturity. This berry has pluses and minuses; when growing, they will have to be taken into account.

Black chokeberry and common mountain ash - related plants

The pink family unites about 3 thousand species of different plants. Among them there are two most interesting genera - Aronia and Rowan. These are related plants, it is not for nothing that the popular name for chokeberry is chokeberry. But in addition to general features, they are very different in appearance, structure of leaves, distribution area, and requirements for growing conditions.

Tall garden blueberry Bluecrop - reference variety

The varieties of tall garden blueberry were obtained thanks to the efforts of American breeders of the last century. Some of these varieties have found distribution in our country. Blueberry blueberry is rightfully considered a reference. Let's consider this variety in detail.

Avoiding Vineyard Placement Mistakes: Understanding Basic Growing Schemes

Many people love grapes, so they undertake to grow it on their own plot. Viticulture is an exciting business, but it has many of its own rules and nuances. One cannot do without certain knowledge. One of the first questions that a novice grower might have is the placement of the bushes.