
Technologies for treating gooseberries from diseases and pests, depending on the season and type of preparation

Gooseberry is a crop susceptible to a variety of diseases, from spheroteca to rust and scab. Pests also settle on bushes. The damage can be so severe that gardeners lose their entire harvest. There are many ways to protect gooseberries. The main rule in this case is not to harm the plant and yourself.

Alpha grapes: features of the variety and the nuances of growing "northern Isabella"

Alpha grapes are mistakenly called Isabella in some regions for their striking resemblance to this legendary variety. One of the most significant differences: the Isabella grape is a southern variety, while Alpha ripens in the Leningrad region, the Far East, the Urals, Siberia, although it is not an early variety. Even a beginner can grow such grapes, but Alpha also has features that will have to be reckoned with.

All the subtleties of blackberry propagation in the garden, in the greenhouse and at home on the windowsill

Blackberry seedlings, even prickly ones, are not cheap. And, if the acquired bush pleased with the yield and taste of berries, there is a desire to multiply it.

Mulberry varieties and features of their cultivation

People have been growing mulberries since ancient times. Even in ancient times in southern countries, the leaves of this plant, eaten by a silkworm, were used to make a strong and beautiful thread. Mulberries are also appreciated for their decorative qualities. And, of course, many people like sweet fruits that are eaten raw, used to make juices, compotes, preserves and jams.

Growing dogwood: site selection, soil preparation, planting and transplanting

The unhurried "life program" of the dogwood requires a lot of patience from the gardener. It will take more than one year before you can taste these wonderful berries. But difficulties often turn out to be far-fetched, and time flies unnoticed, and the plant will slowly take root and will thank for tens of years with a generous harvest.