
Anyuta is a grape variety with honey-nutmeg taste

Anyuta grape is a table hybrid variety. Many growers not only cultivate it themselves, but also advise it for cultivation, noting the amazing taste, massive bunches of presentable berries, unpretentiousness and rapid growth of the plant.

Grape breeding methods, their features and tricks from experienced winegrowers

The traditional ways of creating a vineyard are planting seedlings, propagation by layers and cuttings. It turns out that even grape seeds can be used for this purpose, although this is associated with great trouble and is considered a risky business.

Straseni - matte black grape variety with delicate pulp

A country idyll is presented in the form of delicate clusters of grapes hanging from a dense leafy canopy. Moreover, the bunches can be of a wide variety of shades. For example, the Strashensky grape belongs to varieties with almost black, as if dull from a wax coating, berries.

Grafting grapes for beginners: tips for beginners

Often, gardeners want to change the grape variety without waiting for the new bush to take root. The vaccination procedure comes to their aid. For a positive result from its implementation, you need to take into account many nuances.

Grapes in the Moscow region: cultivation features

There is an opinion that it is very difficult to grow grapes in the Moscow region. But the northern climate gives several advantages - there are not many pests and diseases of this plant, which are common in the southern regions. Therefore, it is extremely rare to treat vineyards with chemicals, which is very important in modern environmental conditions.