
Early purple: an old proven grape for wine and food

The early Violet grape has been known for over 70 years, but even now it has not lost its significance. Its berries are suitable both for direct consumption and for winemaking: a muscat called Steppe rose is prepared on its basis. Since the variety has increased cold resistance, it is grown in many regions with little or no shelter.

Avoiding Vineyard Placement Mistakes: Understanding Basic Growing Schemes

Many people love grapes, so they undertake to grow it on their site. Viticulture is a fascinating business, but it has many of its own rules and nuances. One cannot do without certain knowledge. One of the first questions that a novice grower may ask concerns the placement of the bushes.

Disease and pest control in the vineyard: when you need chemistry

Grapes are now planted not only in the south, it has long been no wonder in the middle lane and even in the north. It is necessary to take care of him constantly; if grown improperly, he easily becomes ill or is exposed to pests. One of the measures to prevent these troubles is the timely treatment with chemicals.

Features of the Tukai variety: how to plant and grow early ripe dessert grapes

Not only in the south, but also in Central Russia, Siberia, the Urals and other regions located in the zones of risky farming, gardeners are interested in growing ultra-early ripening grape varieties, which already in the middle of summer "ruddy side, fragrant juice" ask for a table ... One of these early hybrids is the Tukay dessert grape.

Alpha grapes: features of the variety and the nuances of growing "northern Isabella"

The Alpha grape is mistakenly called Isabella in some regions for its striking resemblance to this legendary variety. One of the most significant differences: the Isabella grape is a southern variety, while Alpha ripens in the Leningrad region, the Far East, the Urals, Siberia, although it is not an early variety. Even a beginner can grow such grapes, but Alpha also has features that will have to be reckoned with.