
Super early grape variety Rumba: a good option for Central Russia

Rumba grapes are a fairly young variety of very early ripening period, characterized by unpretentious care and excellent commercial properties of berries. Due to its frost resistance, it is suitable for central Russia, it is equally in demand both in private gardens and in industrial viticulture.

Features and agricultural technology of the grape variety Anniversary of Novocherkassk

Can early ripe grapes develop a powerful bush and produce large berries collected in clusters weighing up to 3 kg? The answer to this question was the seedlings obtained by the amateur gardener V.N.Krainov. The anniversary of Novocherkassk is just one of the finds of this breeder. Grapes bear fruit fully in all light zones of Russia, and is a profitable market form.

Diseases and pests of grapes: how to recognize symptoms and choose a treatment

Everyone who grows grapes on their site knows how much work goes into caring for this plant, and therefore must be able to cope with various diseases and pests. For the fight against diseases and pests of grapes to be most effective, you need to be able to recognize the symptoms and correctly select the necessary treatment.

Libya grapes - one of the best varieties of very early ripening

Libya grapes are one of the most popular table grape varieties of Ukrainian selection. It is in high demand among both wine growers and berry lovers in the markets. Its shortcomings are overlapped by undoubted advantages, including ultra-early ripening, beautiful and tasty fruits, good yield.

How and how to feed grapes at their summer cottage: recommendations for fertilization

Gone are the days when grapes were considered a southern berry: now, in the summer cottages of most regions of the country, you can often find several bushes of this useful plant. You can get a high yield of grapes only with careful care, one of the components of which is the mandatory application of fertilizers. And then success is assured: the most delicious appetizing bunches will not be translated on your table!