
Characteristics of Bogatyanovsky grapes, cultivation technology

Gardeners who have been dealing with grapes for several years know about such a famous amateur breeder as Viktor Nikolaevich Krainov. They know and grow the hybrid forms created by him. Many varieties from the so-called Krainov's three have settled on the plots: Victor, Anniversary of Novocherkassk and Preobrazhenie. At one time, NiZina became a legend. Bogatyanovsky grapes were also created by this talented creator. And you really need to be a very sophisticated winegrower to find flaws in this hybrid form. Very insignificant, but they, nevertheless, are, however, they can be easily adjusted when growing.

Pleven grape: a good early grape of Bulgarian origin

Among the many grape varieties, those that ripen at a record early date and are intended for fresh consumption are in high demand. And although in recent years the number of such varieties has been growing steadily, many popular varieties, known for a long time, do not go out of fashion and are trusted. One of them is the Bulgarian grape Pleven.

Sea buckthorn: tips for growing, disease and pest control

Sea buckthorn is a deciduous shrub or tree up to 3–6 meters high. The branches are thorny, the leaves are olive-green above, the bottom is silvery. The bright orange fruits "stick around" the branches, hence the Russian name of this plant. It is valued for its berries, which are medicinal raw materials and are widely used in medicine. On the territory of Russia, sea buckthorn is found, on its basis about 40 varieties have been bred, which can be successfully grown in garden plots.

Monarch table grapes are a worthy result of Russian selection

Table grapes Monarch of Russian selection can be confused because of the same name with technical grapes of European selection. But these are two completely different varieties in terms of characteristics and even the color of the berries. Table grapes are yellow, and technical grapes are black.

All the rules for growing blackberries: we plant, form, propagate and process from pests

Blackberries are rarely seen at the dachas of Russians; many prefer raspberries to it. But these berries are so different! It is worth planting both on the site. Blackberries are thermophilic and need shelter for the winter. But under a reliable "blanket" no frost is terrible for the bushes. Even the Siberian.