
Galahad is a modern sustainable Russian grape variety

Breeders pay much attention to the development of new grape varieties that tolerate the cool climate of temperate latitudes well. As a result of their fruitful work, this culture has spread far north of its usual range. Galahad is one of the brightest representatives of modern cold-resistant grape varieties. It grows well and bears fruit in most of the territory of our country, with the exception of the regions of the Far North.

Gift for lovers of northern viticulture - Harold variety

New grape varieties bred by professional breeders are not presented to the general public very often, because variety testing is a long process. On the other hand, new products that appear often best meet the needs of winegrowers from different regions. One of them is the Harold grape.

Ruta: one of the newer, very early varieties of table grapes with a cherry flavor

We are always looking forward to spring and then summer; we are waiting for you to enjoy the first vitamins from your garden, therefore, when growing any plants, we are interested, first of all, in the earliest varieties. This fully applies to grapes. One of the earliest varieties of grapes is the very recently appeared table variety Ruta, which has many advantages.

Learning to trim currants: tips for beginners and more
currant pruning

Currants, like other berry bushes, need pruning. The novice gardener cuts all the plants according to the principle: the sick and the weak are down, and let the rest grow. But when the bush is more than three years old, healthy, strong branches have to be cut to avoid thickening.

Three Hopes of grapes: AZOS, Aksai and early - all about varieties

Hope is one of the most beautiful human emotions that should always be in the soul. Winegrowers can have three of them at once - AZOS, Aksai and early. After all, these are the names given to grape varieties, each of which is interesting in its own way.