
How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse: variety selection, growing in pots and on racks, warm strawberry beds
strawberries in the greenhouse

Who doesn't love tasty and juicy strawberries? It contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on health and mood. It is said that women are happier and men are kinder when strawberries are included in their diet. Doctors advise to eat as many kilograms of berries per year as the person himself weighs. How not to try growing strawberries yourself in a greenhouse? The question is rhetorical - you can and should try!

Gooseberry varieties: classification, disease resistance, characteristics and features

Excursions into the history of the appearance of gooseberries are generally entertaining and informative. But it is no less interesting to consider each variety separately, to identify its advantages and disadvantages in order to plant and grow in your garden.

How to deal with diseases and pests of currants and how to carry out prevention

Currants - black, red, white, as well as pink and golden - are an unpretentious berry bush that has long been loved by Russian gardeners. There are many varieties of it, and breeders are constantly developing new varieties with improved characteristics, including those with genetically built immunity against certain diseases or not being affected by a certain type of pest. But they are not yet able to completely protect the culture from attacks of pathogenic fungi, viruses, bacteria, insects. Therefore, the gardener must be able to recognize suspicious symptoms in time, identify the problem and deal with it.

Features of growing actinidia in Siberia: care, formation, harvesting

Many Siberian gardeners do not even realize that they can grow kiwi's closest relative, kolomikta, on their plots. Both of these species are actinidia and produce fruits with identical taste. But kiwi is a very thermophilic plant with a growing season of 245 days, and kolomikta tolerates frosts down to -40 ⁰C. The Siberian liana blooms in May-June, the harvest ripens in August, but the fruits, of course, are smaller than those of a southerly relative.

Soil for strawberries and strawberries: how to make the right preparation

Any berry crop requires painstaking and careful preparation before planting. And for strawberries, one should attend to not only the selection of a place and seed material, but also the correct preparation of the soil substrate, for which there are requirements.