
How to tie up grapes in spring on a trellis: methods, tips

The vine, like any liana, always reaches for the sun, braiding everything around with its shoots. In order for the grower to get the desired berries, and not a lot of greenery, it is necessary to prune and tie the vineyard.

Anyuta is a grape variety with honey-nutmeg taste

Anyuta grape is a table hybrid variety. Many growers not only cultivate it themselves, but also advise it for cultivation, noting the amazing taste, massive bunches of presentable berries, unpretentiousness and rapid growth of the plant.

Strawberry transplant: why, when and how. Preparing a new transplant site

To plant, transplant, plant - the prefixes of the verb are different, but the essence is the same. And it consists in creating a new strawberry bed in different ways. Regular renewal of strawberry plantings contributes to their yield.

Planting remontant raspberries: methods, stages, timing, site selection and soil preparation

Repaired raspberries are becoming interesting to many gardeners: with relatively simple care, you can get a harvest of delicious berries up to frost. Planting it does not differ much from planting ordinary varieties, but the choice of the site and the preparation of the soil must be approached more responsibly. There are many planting methods, and each gardener chooses it based on the climate, terrain and personal preferences.

How to properly care for strawberries after the last berry harvest: rules for laying a good harvest for next year
strawberries in the garden

August is usually the last harvest of summer berries. Many gardeners believe that post-harvest strawberry maintenance is no longer necessary. In reality, however, we must continue to look after her no less responsibly. This includes watering, loosening, feeding, pruning and replanting. These points are important for future fruiting.