
Ways and features of reproduction of girlish grapes

The maiden grape is a fast-growing perennial vine with beautiful leaves. Under favorable conditions, the growth per year is 1 m. Lignified whips tolerate winters well. It is not surprising that many people use such a plant for landscaping unsightly fences and walls, creating arches and gazebos. Moreover, it is very easy to obtain planting material, it is enough to buy seeds or take the shoots left after pruning from neighbors. Maiden grapes even propagate by shoots.

Arochny grape: an ornamental plant with beautiful and aromatic berries

Among the many grape varieties, there is an unspoken list of "for the lazy". This is the name for grapes that require almost no maintenance, often - even sheltering bushes for the winter. One of the representatives of such plants is the Archny grape. Its taste is mediocre, but the berries look attractive, which is why the variety is easily sold on the market, the bush grows well, and can be used to decorate summer cottages.

Zilga means bluish: about the grape variety and planting features

The vine is getting closer and closer to the North Pole. Through the efforts of breeders, new hybrid forms appear that are not afraid of severe frosts. They are now grown in the Baltics, Canada, Sweden, Norway and in our suburbs, the St. Petersburg region, Siberia. One of these varieties is Zilga.

Lily of the valley sweet, Lily of the valley tender: description of a young grape variety

The word "lily of the valley" is associated with spring warmth, beauty, wonderful aroma. This name is not only the flower, but also the grape variety for which it suits perfectly. You can make sure of this by reading its characteristics.

Rizamat grapes: characteristics of the variety and cultivation features

Thanks to the achievements of breeders, gardeners have the opportunity to choose from a huge number of resistant varieties and hybrids of grapes exactly the one that suits the climatic conditions and will suit their taste. New grape forms are pushing into the background varieties that were previously bred, which are less resistant to disease and frost. Many people consider Rizamat grapes to be such a forgotten exhibit, calling it “yesterday's day of viticulture”. But is it worth neglecting the classics? Let's try to figure it out in this article.