
Sharov's riddle - ideal grapes for a harsh climate
Grapes Riddle Sharov

Several decades have passed since the cultivation of grapes in central Russia and the Siberian region has ceased to be exotic. The reason for this turn was the emergence of frost-resistant varieties intended for harsh climates. One of them is the Riddle of Sharov - a variety that has been known for almost half a century, but still finds its fans. It is the ideal choice for a northern summer resident taking their first steps in viticulture.

Beautiful sunrise of Zarya Nesvetaya with the aroma of nutmeg, rose and strawberry

New varieties of grapes that have appeared in recent years sometimes bear not everyone understands and intriguing names. People who are far from viticulture do not understand, for example, why some call the Talisman Cucumber, although it smells of nutmeg, not cucumbers. From the same cohort and the name Zarya Nesvetaya. If it's dawn, why doesn't it dawn?

Victor grapes: a worthy early ripening variety

Among the currently known grape varieties, Victor is one of the most popular, although the variety is still young. The variety was bred as a result of amateur selection work, but it turned out to be very successful due to the high commercial quality of the berries and the good resistance of the bush to stressful situations. Victor finds application in both farms and amateur farms, since among the varieties of early ripening he is really one of the best.

How to protect grapes from diseases and pests: preparations for processing and their differences

Throughout the growing season, growers take care of the health of the plants. Preventive and therapeutic treatments of vineyards from diseases and pests make it possible to get a good harvest for home use and for sale. For this, drugs of chemical and biological origin are used.

Laura or Flora: a popular table grape variety, the nuances of crop care

Growing grapes is a difficult task. But more and more gardeners are gradually becoming interested in it, because new varieties are constantly appearing - with improved taste, cold-resistant, not so demanding in care. For a beginner, the Laura grape is a great choice, combining yield and excellent taste with a relative simplicity to the cultivation conditions. The plant will "forgive" the gardener for individual care errors. But Laura is also appreciated by experienced winegrowers. In the post-Soviet space, it confidently ranks among the five best and most popular summer varieties.